Taiji Bum

Price: $2,495.00 Taoist Instructor Training

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Yes. I charge $15,000 a month to be an instructor in the Taoist methods of Scotty. It takes quite a while to learn.


But anyway...I think the course would be kinda cool! No, not the Scotty course...the Energy Gates course.

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Energy Gates Instructor Training


Hey everyone, sign up now before you do something useful with your money! $2,495.00 WOW! Anyone know of any more expensive Taoist programs?



Mine was more, and yet it was almost like a free gift. I paid sixty dollars a month for six years to learn from one of the world's most powerful chi kung masters. Actually, after two years he said I didn't have to pay him any more, but I continued then to make yearly payments. Most of the other students continued to pay him also.


However, for them to charge that sum up front, and for only a little over a week of training in wimpy chi kung, is pure greed. However they will probably get plenty of students, many more than I or my teacher could get.


Hardly anyone has time anymore for what is deep and real, and so the way of cheap-shit-for-lotsa-bucks is what is becoming of the world. This world in which evil so easily rises to the top.

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It's hard to find good teachers with good methods. Not everyone may have access to the system that you've had access to, SJ. I'm sure if they did, they'd easily find which is better.

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Oops, ha ha, it looks like it's Frantzis who is offering that teacher training, I guess you can do that if you write lotsa books. It's amazing who I talk crap about sometimes, idn'tit.


And he's offering instructor certification after a week long class, now that's special. Maybe that's why his representative, Buddy, was so advanced :)


It's hard to find good teachers with good methods. Not everyone may have access to the system that you've had access to, SJ. I'm sure if they did, they'd easily find which is better.


Don't be so sure, they would have to have a lot of patience and faith as it's a long hard road, sometimes it seems like not much happens for months at a time, and they would have to be willing to go through hell. It was interesting to see how many good people dropped out in spite of knowing who the teacher was. I have no fame so it's tougher for me.


Also, it turns out that even though you continually feel better and better, you end up getting used to it so it feels normal, and then it doesn't seem like better, so whats the use? Joking around there.

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