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when you say yours get bitch slapped you mean some "divine intelligence" or supreme being (ALLAH) bitch slaps them.


I assure you NO divine intelligence has EVER willfully and consciously bitch slapped me and never will.



dude you are STUCK on the idea that ALLAH is a Man with a beard.....



its closer to your concept of tao then you realize.


Go study with real Sheiks and learn for yourself.


Do not assume you know Allah by what you see as "islam" today.

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I know that the following is kind of an intrusive on my part but maybe it could be of use, if not leave it... Niether you nor anyone else is asking or apparently concerned but for what it's worth your form of reply in Post 666 was a let down to me after reading of your many other heartfelt submissions ... :(


Before I have heard you more or less say, "take what helps and leave the rest"

which I fully agree with; :) Anyway I wish there was also more of, "say your truth and leave the rest" going on among all of us here.



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My childhood left me hating the word "God". I tend to have a physical "gut" reaction hearing it and have real difficulty not associating it with Christianity and stuff from my past.


It has taken me many years to try and work through this and I don't think I'll ever fully get over it.


(yet I'm friends with a local priest and have no problems with Jesus :lol:)

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You need to learn and accept that there is a way that has no God in it. Chinese Tao. Your religion is not the only game in town. Is that OK or does that get bitch slaps?


This doesn't mean there is no God only that it does not interrupt the natural flow, which seems likely after 150,000 years, culminating in 70 million dead in WWII. (After archeological dig, first language using human remains, the "Ten Families", found on the southern tip of Africa, dated 150,000 years ago.)



I do not ruin or oppose the Tao. And more power to you for following the Tao. May more blessings flow to you daily.

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You need to learn and accept that there is a way that has no God in it. Chinese Tao. Your religion is not the only game in town. Is that OK or does that get bitch slaps?


This doesn't mean there is no God only that it does not interrupt the natural flow, which seems likely after 150,000 years, culminating in 70 million dead in WWII. (After archeological dig, first language using human remains, the "Ten Families", found on the southern tip of Africa, dated 150,000 years ago.)



what was the "Tao" called in ancient Africa? :closedeyes:

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life alone under the hot sun, dieing for water, starving for food, no rest for the weary.




Seems to me you need to go back and study ancient african culture more.

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Yeah, I probably should mind my own business...


But I bet it's against the forum rules to insult other people's cultures, calling them "dimwits". I'm not even African and I was offended (mostly at your ignorance)...but I didn't report you to the moderators.


We have African Americans here. I'm sure they wouldn't enjoy reading you insult their ancestors.


So I wanted to just tell you as a fellow forum member, you should probably take it easy. But that was then. Now I just want to see you gone...mostly because you've only been in this topic to argue, and have been contributing nothing of value, and nothing that represents Taoism.


Bye bye!



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Its called a forum discussion. You have a problem with that? Maybe you should just mind your own business.



haha well from this post its clear you are not even a real Taoist.


But any how back to Africa.....


what do you really know of africa & the Ancients of Egypt?


And the Ancients of South Africa?


For folks that just used some sticks and stones they are pretty impressive. Last I checked the pyramids and the statues of the ancient Nubians where pretty clear they where smarter than you are giving them credit for.

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Todays retards are smarter.


What if my little brother was born a "retard"? Do you think I'd enjoy seeing you call them that?


I'm not just nitpicking, you are being insulting here.


If I say anything against forum rules there is a report button on the lower left.


Yup, done!

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Yeah, I probably should mind my own business...


But I bet it's against the forum rules to insult other people's cultures, calling them "dimwits". I'm not even African and I was offended (mostly at your ignorance)...but I didn't report you to the moderators.


We have African Americans here. I'm sure they wouldn't enjoy reading you insult their ancestors.


So I wanted to just tell you as a fellow forum member, you should probably take it easy. But that was then. Now I just want to see you gone...mostly because you've only been in this topic to argue, and have been contributing nothing of value, and nothing that represents Taoism.


Bye bye!





well seems we have an elitist here that seems he is the only "sage". I am not African but i do have afro cuban blood and moro blood. So I do have some african in me & i do have melonin in my system which allows me to be in the sun all day and not have any issue.


So yeah I guess i have a right to take offense at this poor brother who probably cant stay in the sun longer than 10 minutes.


If he really thinks the africans are dimwits he should go spend time with them and see for himself.


ifa alone is testament to their skills and knowledge.

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Uh duh 70,000 years ago they were primitive Neanderthal dimwits. Todays retards are smarter. Thats no secret. They don't call them primitives for nothing. If I can swallow V's "Jesus is Zeus" without complaining I think you will be alright.


If I say anything against forum rules there is a report button on the lower left. Else you have nothing to complain about. I'm sick of the bloody 21st century. But I can see it's just going to be more of the same. So be it.


EDIT: uh duh, the pyrimids were not begun more then 6000 years ago. I"m talking about 70,000 to 150,000 years ago. Not even close. I can see this is pointless BSing. Over and out.


And yes the Tao is the way of nature. Bye bye!



jesus is Zeus but Yeshua is the actual "jesus". DO your homework......

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Edited by Tao99

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And yes the Tao is the way of nature. Bye bye!




ok cool good.....the word Nature come from Greek "Natura"


that originate form the word "NETERU" from Ancient Egypt


and that WORD means GOD/SOURCE.



It is the combination of male & female principles as one and beyond




So welcome to the club my friend


And yes the Tao is the way of nature. Bye bye!


If your statement is true than its the way of GOD aswell....



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I won't no more part of this BS show.



350,000 years + the Elohim was in africa designing and fashioning things. PTAH/OBATALA was already there creating.


its not BS do your homework.

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"I cannot conceive of a personal God who would directly influence the actions of individuals, or would directly sit in judgment on creatures of his own creation. I cannot do this in spite of the fact that mechanistic causality has, to a certain extent, been placed in doubt by modern science. [He was speaking of Quantum Mechanics and the breaking down of determinism.] My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. Morality is of the highest importance -- but for us, not for God."


"What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of "humility." This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism."


"We know nothing about [God, the world] at all. All our knowledge is but the knowledge of schoolchildren. Possibly we shall know a little more than we do now. but the real nature of things, that we shall never know, never."


I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know his thoughts. The rest are details."





hehe, it is common for many to not want to believe in a "God" or a higher power of any sorts; this is a defense mechanism of the ego, the illusory self, they do not enjoy the subconscious conception of being less than, but this could only be further from the truth...there is no less than, only One, and that One is God, is the Tao, is empty and full, forget all religious associations and childhood definitions of the word, know nothing, the void is full and always has been... only when one discovers the most innate truth of nature will he understand why suffering exists, despite a loving God.


"You need to see that there is a way that has no God in it. Chinese Tao, The way of Nature. It simply tries to answer the question "What would it be if it all was happening naturally, w/o any divine intelligence interaction?" "


As was said, nature is synonymous with God. How did nature come to be? How is something "naturally" happening? You must believe consciousness to be a result of biology, rather than the reverse? You really believe, with all of the obviously intelligent functions of nature, that there is no intelligence behind any of it? Just complete luck of chemical reactions that somehow came to be in the first place?



Edited by fizix

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So I don't want to be misunderstood as a racist or low IQ hater. I hear the Tao being used on this thread and that leads to a Tao discussion (name of this forum) as is wont to happen.


So just to be clear here is my 2cents I was trying to say, maybe not very well. Take it or leave it, I'm not a teacher and don't know a lot so don't put any stock in it:


You need to see that there is a way that has no God in it. Chinese Tao, The way of Nature. It simply tries to answer the question "What would it be if it all was happening naturally, w/o any divine intelligence interaction?"


This doesn't mean there is no God, only that - according to this one way of looking at reality - it does not interrupt the natural flow 99.999999% of the time. This seems plausible after 150,000 years, culminating in 70 million dead in WWII. Why 150,000 years? After archeological digs, the oldest language using human remains, the "Ten Families", were found on the southern tip of Africa, dated 150,000 years old. And we are ALL their descendants. Egypt is not more then 10,000 years old. Here we are talking about a time way way before Egypt was even an idea. This is a time not far from when we were monkeys! This is current science. But there were ~10 human families with human language at the southern tip of Africa, and these were the first humans and the only humans on earth. They are our greatest grand parents, both blacks and whites, yellows and reds. And it took them 80,000 years to fan out and populate all of Africa. Around 70,000 years ago a small group of them crossed the river into Yemen and thus began the great trek of humankind out of Africa.


But this doesn't mean there is no God. Einstein said to believe there is no God is to believe that a Boeing 747 could accidentally fall into place over time, which seems impossible so who knows. So shakti love to you.


there is research that proves great pyramid was under water aprox 20,000 yrs ago


research john A west......

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