
Avatar: The last airbender

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Some information on the various martial arts that were the bases for the bending styles in this show.


Waterbending - Tai Chi

Earthbending - Hung Gar, sometimes some Southern Mantis and other things

Firebending - Northern Shaolin

Airbending - Ba Gua Zhang


Great show, not entirely enthused about the movie. Casting issues, have I.

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I finally got around to watching the series. If you have a netflix account, you can watch all of it through their streaming feature- they have the entire series.


All in all, excellent show! Nice insights, nice story, nice fights, nice character development.


I loved the series! Don't plan on watching the film.... why bother? The series itself is done and is, in my humble opinion, perfect as it is. There's no need to watch a film version.


Really wish there were more available series like this when I was a kid. Various media depictions (mostly manga) really helped me get interested in certain paths of spirituality, or at least do some research and give them a look, even if I didn't go down them. Hopefully a lot of people (younger people) could watch this series and come away a little bit more inspired.


I recommend everyone who hasn't seen it to see it, and if you have kids, see if they're interested in watching it too :)

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Avatar is super cool


thanks for reviving the thread (went back and fixed the old youtube embeds) there is lots of good fan stuff on youtube too


Avatar the last puppet bender is quite good IMHO

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Look what I found :)


Avatar: Not Quite the Last Airbender!

Yesterday, Avatar television series creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko confirmed that they are working on a follow-up series entitled Avatar: The Legend of Korra; rewatcher Jordan Hamessley has a few details.


The REAL Avatar :D

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Look what I found :)




The REAL Avatar :D


I don't know what to say to this :lol:


I'm of the opinion that, 9 times out of 10, a finished series should just be left alone.

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On 11/09/2009 at 5:02 AM, Stigweard said:

Actually one of the best scenes out of the series was when the Earth King Bumi says:



Which is basically the Taijiquan "Tien Jin":



I only started watching The Last Airbender a couple of months ago! I got up to this episode (S2E3) the other day and thought WOW.


Lots of characters in this reflect a different culture of spiritual and philosophical practices. King Bumi seems to be the prankster Taoist and I also enjoy Iroh's character - the hedonist with a sly ability to kick anyone's arse.


I just had to search for Bumi on this forum having seen this episode recently. I recommend it to all (but start with season one and enjoy the journey)

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My son and I love this series!  He was about 8 when we first watched it together on netflix a few years back and the concepts and story lines inspired many potent conversations about some incredibly deep topics.  Just last week he brought out the dvd's and we are now working our way through the series for the second time.  We just passed the assault of Bah Sing Sei.  I appreciate it even more this time around.


General Iroh is a compelling blend of duty to his station and country while maintaining a non-judemental accepting openness to his former enemies while hiding among them as a refugee.


And Zuko's overall storyline is an incredible journey of self discovery, and the painful systematic stripping away of projected notions of culture, self, family and duty.  His story arch to the end of the tale is in a word stunning.  Such writing and conceptual topics make it far more than a children's show to me.  I deeply love this series.



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