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This is something I noticed when I was visiting southeast asia. Very few

asians have hairloss, or balding. Most have a full set of hair and also have little to

no gray hair. These are asians living in asia.


Now in America, it is the opposite. Many asian americans have hair loss

and gray hair. I noticed this on the airplane, as I looked across the seats. Almost

all had some graying and hairloss.


I noticed that after I spent 2 months living there, my hair seemed to get better.

My gray hair was slowly disappearing. Hair also seemed to be growing back.


After I came back to the states, my hair has started to gray and fall out again.


I'm wondering if anybody has had this experience. I'm wondering if it is the

water we shower in. The HOT water?


In asia, I used water from the well. It was being pumped up. It was cold, if I

didn't have an electric water heater to heat it. But the cold water was great

in the hot summers.


I do believe that a small percentage has to do with genetics, but for the most part I believe that

if people take care of themselves, genetics can be overcome.

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China sets up first club for bald men


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Xinhua News Agency

Article date:

September 24, 2004

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bald chinese men in china | Copyright informationCopyright 2004 Xinhua News Agency. Provided by ProQuest LLC. (Hide copyright information)


China sets up first club for bald men


GUANGZHOU, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- The first club for bald Chinese men was recently inaugurated in Guangzhou, the capital of south China's Guangdong Province.


The club provides a chance for alopecia patients to draw on each other's experience in medical treatment and compare notes with experts on successful therapy at home and abroad, said Prof. Hou Xianzeng, an advisor of the club.


More than 150 million male Chinese aged between 25 and 35, or 40 percent of the male population in this age group, suffer from alopecia. The disease has become a social problem as modern Chinese society pays growing attention to males' appearance, said Prof. Hou of the No. ...

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  DarinHamel said:

Your saying it like being bald is bad..... B)


Actually, if you had hair and a month later your head started to lose hair. I would say

yes, it could mean a bad sign. Just like a cancer patient who gets chemo and loses hair. Its not

a good sign. I'm trying to see it from a medical perspective. If I had a choice to keep my hair or lose it, I would probably keep it.


If its falling out too much, I'd just shave it. I think most men shave their heads because they have thinning hair. This is for the 30's and up. The health of your hair, skin, and nails can determine your are health. I basically use this to monitor my health.


I do think that, the water and diet may be factors in hairloss. For the last few weeks since I've

relocated for school, I've been eating fast food for two weeks. I've just recently started to

get resituated and eat healthy. Now if my hair started to grow back after I've changed my diet, water, and

added other treatments like natural oil, it would definitely mean my health was imbalanced.

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Here is some facts I've found out about our Water quality in the USA.


Americans are becoming more aware of the contaminants in our nation's water supplies and many are installing water filters to purify their drinking water. Yet most continue to bathe and shower straight from the tap, unaware that inhaling unfiltered shower vapors (steam) is more harmful than actually drinking the water itself. During a shower, toxic chloroform evaporates into the surrounding air you breathe. In addition, The Center for Study of Responsive Law's, Troubled Water on Tap report, states that over 2,100 contaminants have been found in drinking water. Of those 2,100, 190 are known to cause adverse health effects. In total, 97 carcinogens, 82 mutagens and suspected mutagens (cause cell mutations), 23 tumor promoters and 28 acute and chronic toxic contaminants have been detected in U.S. drinking water. According to East West magazine, consumers should purchase shower head filters which remove chlorine and other contaminants to prevent exposure to chloroform [and other toxic substances]."

-Center for Study of Responsive Law, Consumers Research Magazine, East West, July 1989.


"A long, hot shower can be dangerous. The toxic chemicals are inhaled in high concentrations."

- Bottom Line - August 1987, J Andelman, Ph. D.


"We conclude that skin absorption of contaminants in drinking water has been underestimated and that ingestion may not constitute the sole or even primary route of exposure."

-American Journal of Public Health, May, 1984, Vol. 74, No. 5


"Ironically, even the Chlorine widely used to disinfect water produces Carcinogenic traces. Studies indicate the suspect chemicals can also be inhaled and absorbed through the skin during showering and bathing."

- U. S. News & World Report - 29 July 1991, Is your Water Safe - The Dangerous State of Your Water


"Taking showers is a health risk, according to research presented last week in a meeting of the American Chemical Society. Showers - and to a lesser extent baths - lead to a greater exposure to toxic chemicals contained in water supplies than does drinking water. The chemicals evaporate out of the water and are inhaled. They can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others."

- New Scientist -18 September 1986, Ian Anderson


"Studies have documented the presence in the drinking water of many potentially toxic volatile organic chemicals (VOC's)- from chloroform and pesticides to carbon tetrachloride. Such findings have spurred investigations into the inhalation hazards these compounds may pose when released in the air during baths and showers. However, because shower and tub equipment, as well as other design features, differed widely in these experiments, air releases for a single VOC could vary up to 10-fold from one studied system to another."

-John C. Little, Lawrence Berkeley (California) Laboratory, Science News, August 15, 1992


"The steamy air of a shower contains significant amounts of a least two cancer-causing chemicals that evaporate out of water."

-J Andelman, Professor of Water Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh


"Almost two decades have passed since known or suspected human carcinogens were first found in municipal water supplies. One of them, chloroform, produced by the chlorination process, exposes millions of Americans. The potential for a major public health problem is unquestionably there, and yet, progress has been slow."

-Dr. Peter Isacson, M.D., Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Iowa College of Medicine


"Skin absorption of contaminant has been underestimated and ingestion may not constitute the sole or even primary route of exposure."

- American Journal of-Public Health - Dr. Halina Brown


"Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated of chloroform in nearly every home because of the chlorine in the water. Chloroform [a known carcinogen] levels increase up to 100 times during a ten-minute shower in residential water"

- Environmental Protection Agency - Dr. Lance Wallace


"I tell my friends to take quick, cold showers", said Julian B. Andelman, Professor of Water Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, who claimed that the longer and hotter the shower, the more chemicals build up in the air.

San Jose Mercury News, September 11, 1986


"Many investigators have reported on the toxicity and unexpected high penetration rates of volatile organic chemicals."

-American Journal of Public Health


"A Professor of Water Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh claims that exposure to vaporized chemicals in the water supplies through showering, bathing, and inhalation is 100 greater than through drinking the water."

- The Nader Report, Troubled Waters on Tap - Center for Study of Responsive Law


"The National Academy of Sciences estimates that 200 to 1000 people die in the United States each year from cancers caused by ingesting the contaminants in water. The major health threat posed by these pollutants is far more likely to be from their inhalation as air pollutants. The reason that emissions are high is because water droplets dispersed by the shower head have a larger surface-to-value ratio than water streaming into the bath."

- Science News-Vol. 130, Janet Raloff

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...NOT taking showers can be a health risk!


First, as you said, take care of your diet.

For everything! not just your beautiful locks!

You may have had more zinc in your diet for one thing,

If you are eating fast foods you had less of those saturated fats?

If you eat meat( I do not know) I imagine, you have enough manganese( sp?).

Personally that stuff effects my liver and I get um, a bit ? Angry??? To say it nicely, LOL.

The glandular system (& everything!) is effected by stress.

So? You just got back to school?!? Hmm?

You can do a self massage to ( don't know a better way of saying this,

sorry!) "milk the glands".

It's very easy to do, good for men or women,

should be able to find info on the Internet for it.

Take care of the things that are easy to fix like your diet before

stressing over weather your next shower is going to kill you!!!

Enjoy life while it's here to be enjoyed!


MAL ! Mal?Mal.

Do not eat hair!!! Your own or others!?!

There is NO Way that could be good for you!

Weather it's organic and natural or dyed!


LOL, I know so many Asian Americans

who are looking for a way to re-grow the fro!


Darin? Your hair is great, kid???

I'm sure your girl still can't keep her hands away!


Not to make any of you blush of anything but

Girls love the heads of the guys they love!

You can ask Almost any girl over 16 what

Was the first thing she noticed about her guy?

I can Almost promise it was not the hair!



Sweet dreams now,



Darn this thing? Shoot ?

I can't spell, and my thing keeps putting the wrong words in for me?

It deleted whole bunch of random things and I am sorry if none of this is readable, LOL!

Will try and fix it when I get to a real computer, this thing I'm writing on is Tiny!!

Good luck with the chi gong too, that seems like it would help!




Edited by shontonga

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  dragonfire said:
Americans are becoming more aware of the contaminants in our nation's water supplies and many are installing water filters to purify their drinking water. Yet most continue to bathe and shower straight from the tap, unaware that inhaling unfiltered shower vapors (steam) is more harmful than actually drinking the water itself. During a shower, toxic chloroform evaporates into the surrounding air you breathe. In addition, The Center for Study of Responsive Law's, Troubled Water on Tap report, states that over 2,100 contaminants have been found in drinking water. Of those 2,100, 190 are known to cause adverse health effects. In total, 97 carcinogens, 82 mutagens and suspected mutagens (cause cell mutations), 23 tumor promoters and 28 acute and chronic toxic contaminants have been detected in U.S. drinking water. According to East West magazine, consumers should purchase shower head filters which remove chlorine and other contaminants to prevent exposure to chloroform [and other toxic substances]."

-Center for Study of Responsive Law, Consumers Research Magazine, East West, July 1989.

Hence, I got a showerhead filter years ago. Problem solved (hopefully). :)


And interesting, I hadn't heard of shampoos promoting fungal growth (how exactly does it do that?) or using a Borax shampoo. Hmm....

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Hairloss is sometimes due to the weakness of the kidney.


Eating more black beans or making black beans soya milk everyday will help.


With FU, we can help you to heal this problem too by sending you FU that empower your kidney and give birth to your hair. But it takes a few treatment from time to time. You can give it a try if you want. PM me if you need assistant with this.

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and what else weakens the kidneys? an overactive sex life. I read somewhere that hormonal byproducts amassing is also a contributor. Dont remember the technicalities of the matter.

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  Mak_Tin_Si said:

Hairloss is sometimes due to the weakness of the kidney.


Eating more black beans or making black beans soya milk everyday will help.


With FU, we can help you to heal this problem too by sending you FU that empower your kidney and give birth to your hair. But it takes a few treatment from time to time. You can give it a try if you want. PM me if you need assistant with this.

Yes, hair is related to the Water element. Which includes the kidneys, urinary bladder, and adrenals.

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  shontonga said:

MAL ! Mal?Mal.

Do not eat hair!!! Your own or others!?!

There is NO Way that could be good for you!

Weather it's organic and natural or dyed!


I don't swallow it or chew it off :D and it is very good for you ;)B)


  joeblast said:

and what else weakens the kidneys? an overactive sex life. I read somewhere that hormonal byproducts amassing is also a contributor. Dont remember the technicalities of the matter.


I always had a suspicion there was a sex related component, personally I felt more along the lines of frustrated sexual energy burning off your hair :o But what would I know.


Sort of intrigued by the FU idea. I've never really been a "talisman" sort of person. Would a FU improve your overall kidney health therefore the hair is just a "side effect." Or would it only be a cosmetic thing?

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Yes, hairloss is because the water element is weak. In the west, the energy is more to the GOLD side, so that weakens the water for westerners. That is why they get balb easier.


This case, you can do "worshipping the 5 planets" in our temple. This worhsip vensus, mars, saturn, jupiter and saturn. These 5 planets have energy of the 5 elements including gold, earth, fire, water, wood. By worshipping them, you will balance out the 5 elements in your body and help your kidney to heal.


We have opened the "5 planets lamp" before and now they are transferred to the 5 planets flags which connects to the energy. You can get the energy by doing worhsipping for them.


There are also many ways to heal the kidneys in Taoism. FU, meditation trianings, attunements, etc,.



Mak Tin Si


FU is in the taoism medic system. You can try it if you like, then that is the best way to proof to yourself. It is very good for healing most illness. From my experience, I have heal many sickness such as headache, hariloss, internal bleedings, cancer, flu, knee pain, shingles etc,.. They work all the time.


It is a part of taoism study, not a believe.


sex will weakens your kidney, because sex will release your "jing" and the "jing" is in the sperm. When you have sex, you get tired afterward, that is the proof. So that means you leak your energy. Kidney is where your energy is born and made. So when you leak it out, your kidney is short in energy which stop it from producing more energy for your body. In taoism, we use FU to fill the energy for the kidney and so the kidney can have it's own time to produce the energy it needs. If not ,the kidney will be just too busy creating energy to make up the lost from sex.


  Mal said:

I don't swallow it or chew it off :D and it is very good for you ;)B)

I always had a suspicion there was a sex related component, personally I felt more along the lines of frustrated sexual energy burning off your hair :o But what would I know.


Sort of intrigued by the FU idea. I've never really been a "talisman" sort of person. Would a FU improve your overall kidney health therefore the hair is just a "side effect." Or would it only be a cosmetic thing?

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  Mal said:

I don't swallow it or chew it off :D and it is very good for you ;)B)



:D I know! ;) just late night foolishness on my part, lol.

Could make for a cool new hair style! Would be all the rage!



I always had a suspicion there was a sex related component, personally I felt more along the lines of frustrated sexual energy burning off your hair


Hmm? ... or pulling it out!

I notice none of the smilies have any left? :huh:



:o But what would I know.

Sort of intrigued by the FU idea. I've never really been a "talisman" sort of person. Would a FU improve your overall kidney health therefore the hair is just a "side effect." Or would it only be a cosmetic thing?



So, ok, it's agreed then that depleted kidneys may contribute(cause?) hair loss?

So, supporting the kidneys Should help to improve the hair (some kinds of hair,

head included :) and so much more like fear stuff, hearing/inner ear stuff,

regulating temps. like cold, bone and marrow stuff, instincts and much more!)


So, How do we support the kidneys then?


A few things have been mentioned so far~


*Diet (a big one!)/nutrition


*Fu's for kidneys

*Worshiping the 5 planets(for their connection to the 5 elements)

*Qi Gong ... any certain ones you like for the kidneys?


I'll throw in rest as in sleep/not stressing/"meditation"in it's simplest form.


What else supports the kidneys?

And there by support hair/head health?

What? How? And Why, if you know? (... like specifics?)






Sorry if my last note may have been to um? rowdy?


... apologies, was overly late and overly tired.

Hope I didn't really embarrass anyone,

I really Do Try to behave on here!

It's SO hard sometimes though :D


Ooo? Is will power kidneys too? I forget, but that would be great to better support That!!!

Edited by shontonga

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one more,


Black beans soya bean milk everyday will be very good too. DIY-able. Easy.



Sleeping habbit changes - sleep at 10pm, no later than 11pm, wake up at 5am, no sleeping in. This will already help you alot.



Experience from my student - Doing golden light mantra training with properly attuned methods can help to grow hair too!



Herbal Medic - Hor Sau Woo is a medicine that grow hair and make yuor hair darker. it is a herb.



Fungshui problems - sometimes house fungshui can affect alot and you have to see if the house's water energy is TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE, balance it out by planting in the right spot to reduce the water energy, or get a fish tank with 9 fishs to build up more water energy.



These are also good ways to help.

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Try a kidney (and liver) cleanse, then.


Either Hulda Clark's...or you can also try consuming 12 lemons/day for 5 days. I'm doing that now, and it does seem to be cleaning something out.. My skin feels clearer, although I still got some gray hairs...


Well I tell you what - 12 lemons makes probably around 20 oz of pure lemon juice with a 2.3 pH (and around 225 mg vitamin C). So, if that can't clean some of your pipes out, then I dunno what can! :o

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Shon, you should be naughtier ;)


  Mak_Tin_Si said:

FU is in the taoism medic system. You can try it if you like, then that is the best way to proof to yourself. It is very good for healing most illness. From my experience, I have heal many sickness such as headache, hariloss, internal bleedings, cancer, flu, knee pain, shingles etc,.. They work all the time.


Yes I'm interested enough to give it a trial over 3~6 months. But I want to finish kap 1 and possibly kap 2 first. Just to test out my own personal theory that a good overall chi gung practice will help prevent hair loss (despite all the bald chi gung practitioners and smilies :blink:)


So I'll keep you in mind for a few months time.....


Other possible problems :)


I have 3 fish tanks, but with 8 (oops 7) 1 and 1 fish in each of them!


I always go to bed after 11 any up after 6:40 (but I'd rather be bald than an early morning person!)


a positive is at least I almost always feel refreshed, energized, and grateful :lol: after sex


I love to suck on a lemon now and then but 12 a day, sounds like quite a challenge

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the fish tanks must be placed well in a good posiition - learn fungshui first.


FU are always ready for people to try out, just PM me if you need any advice.


  Mal said:

Shon, you should be naughtier ;)

Yes I'm interested enough to give it a trial over 3~6 months. But I want to finish kap 1 and possibly kap 2 first. Just to test out my own personal theory that a good overall chi gung practice will help prevent hair loss (despite all the bald chi gung practitioners and smilies :blink:)


So I'll keep you in mind for a few months time.....


Other possible problems :)


I have 3 fish tanks, but with 8 (oops 7) 1 and 1 fish in each of them!


I always go to bed after 11 any up after 6:40 (but I'd rather be bald than an early morning person!)


a positive is at least I almost always feel refreshed, energized, and grateful :lol: after sex


I love to suck on a lemon now and then but 12 a day, sounds like quite a challenge

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  Mal said:

Shon, you should be naughtier ;)



... stocking is already full of coal?

Good thing I like Rocks!!!



I Might just be up for the lemon thing after the new year???

... Have to think about it!


Ormus? Sages of light??? humongoid walnuts????

The dude or is this a product, lol? Not sure how they fit together?

Am going to have to check that link out as time allows!


Peace kids!



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