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Tao Te Ching relationshp with FAAT and other terms

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Mak Tin Si

Edited by Mak_Tin_Si

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Reason for FAAT to fall in the word of TAO (as in TAO TE CHING) is because FAAT is another energy source from the TAO, that is why to know how to use FAAT is part of the learnings in TAO. If you just know it and do not have the ability to USE it, you just know tao, but do not LEARN tao. Knowing the knowledge and mastering the knowledge is very different, which lead to a "belief" or a "study". WE taoist do make taoism our "study" and not belief. Therefore, we put everything into practical usage.

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Reason for FAAT to fall in the word of TAO (as in TAO TE CHING) is because FAAT is another energy source from the TAO, that is why to know how to use FAAT is part of the learnings in TAO. If you just know it and do not have the ability to USE it, you just know tao, but do not LEARN tao. Knowing the knowledge and mastering the knowledge is very different, which lead to a "belief" or a "study". WE taoist do make taoism our "study" and not belief. Therefore, we put everything into practical usage.


sounds interesting - nevertheless i dont share your view that 德 in daodejing has something to do with ethics...

we should see clearly that ethics are man-made...


have a look at ddj 10 there you can see that laozi's de is not something made by human


能 無 為 乎

生之, 畜之






this cannot be taught

this cannot be learned

in my oppinion

it is something we have to feel - to experience - and to go in line with ...


天 門 開 闔 能 為 雌 ....

Edited by Riyue

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Lao Zi's duck is just exactly what I am talking about here. The ethics (maybe I am just mis-using english vocab, cuz I don;'t really know how to express well with englsih in this term) are not man made.



Because the taoist do experience and experience and found how the nature works and interact and how karma works etc,. They have written down experience and designed a guildline for the students to follow later on so that they can "GET" the law of nature faster with all these DUCK cultivations and practise. Without that, you all have to start from zero, which don't even guarantee if you will get it or not in this life. They have did all the great job to make taoism easier to learn and understand by giving you a system to follow.


Just like learning math, you can choose to learn it yourself by 1+1 and fingers counting and all those baby steps and then try to think about all these logics and try to form the system of calculus and algebra yourself for this life and not go to school.. you can be a genious in math too. but is that a stupid way to learn math?


Now here is the school that systemized mathematics study and teach you in a system so you can GET IT and learn the mathematics in a way that you can learn it quickly and understand the math by learning theories behind and experience by those who invented the theories. Just like Lao Zi invented the theory, and the others who put it in real practise and also succeed.


Now we are here, learning Taoism, something that is 5000 old or more. Do you want to start from zero and think you can get to year 100 or 5000 in one life? yourself? Or do you want to learn them all in a already systemized way created by so many masters from the years before?


ETHICS are not man made, it is just man made if you do not understand the reasons and theory behind. That is also why you need a master to teach you in the systemized way of learning. Also why you need a lineage to learn, just like enrolled into a school to learn math! Very logical.


From your quote of DDJ, you are looking at mathemicatics the most original form, but now it is already very complicated, you are seeing a math wizard talking my friend. This person is like immortal already in math, and of course he can say so because he get the final theory. But you, do you get even half of what is in math now? There are just too much added to the system in 5000 yrs, how can you just look at the source where it came from and master the whole thing?


I know someone can say "electricity is created by...blah blah blah" , but can you now know how to make a light bulb or create a computer? No.


Taoism is the same. you know the theory, can you put it in practise and real usage? no. Unless you learn all those other stuff in the system which tells you how this great theory works. Once you master them all (from the 5000ys of study) then you can know the theory and create your own way. But before that, 5000yrs of stuff is not possible to put in your microwave and go .."DING" and learned instantly.



sounds interesting - nevertheless i dont share your view that 德 in daodejing has something to do with ethics...

we should see clearly that ethics are man-made...


have a look at ddj 10 there you can see that laozi's de is not something made by human


能 無 為 乎

生之, 畜之






this cannot be taught

this cannot be learned

in my oppinion

it is something we have to feel - to experience - and to go in line with ...


天 門 開 闔 能 為 雌 ....

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That is also why you need a master to teach you in the systemized way of learning. Also why you need a lineage to learn, just like enrolled into a school to learn math! Very logical.




it is a great thing to have a teacher

this shows you true friendship...

a teacher can teach you what can be taught between humans..

yes he can teach a systemized way...

yes mathematics can be taught to some extent and this makes it easier to learn the stuff..

but there are also things no teacher can teach you...

things you can only experience :

for example:

fire is hot (parents can tell it to their children as often they like... a child knows it in the moment it has touched something heated by fire)

... to feel

feeling the influence of above and below... 天 地...

feeling ...心印妙經: 气 精 神:

神依形生 精依氣盈---

daodejing 14

夷... 希... 微

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Sorry for you to mistaken me again..


What I am meaning or trying to express is that your parents can teach you experiements on knowing that fire is hot, and the parents actually WILL burn you with fire in that learning experienment. Then once you know, the parents will also tell you theory behind and methods of how to avoid being burn, how to cure and heal your burnts, and how to treat fire etc.. that is also part of the learnings. Who say master cannot teach you that?




it is a great thing to have a teacher

this shows you true friendship...

a teacher can teach you what can be taught between humans..

yes he can teach a systemized way...

yes mathematics can be taught to some extent and this makes it easier to learn the stuff..

but there are also things no teacher can teach you...

things you can only experience :

for example:

fire is hot (parents can tell it to their children as often they like... a child knows it in the moment it has touched something heated by fire)

... to feel

feeling the influence of above and below... 天 地...

feeling ...心印妙經: 气 精 神:

神依形生 精依氣盈---

daodejing 14

夷... 希... 微

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