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keysound vs. heart sound

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I think there's some carryover between the keysound and heartsound which shouldn't be too shocking as they are the same sound after all. Just the keysound starts low as possible and slides up to as high as comfortably possible. So that's very cool. The reason I can say that is that I tried the keysound silently and Mrs Yoda had a definite response to it and I've only been doing the 6 healing sounds these days. So that's good. I'll try doing the keysound in the place of the heart sound during my healing sound practice and work with the keysound in a sexual context more regularly in the future.



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One of Eric Yudelove's books talks about a "back of the throat" sound to make during sex. I think it's the same idea as the key sound.


I'm not sure the SPECIFIC sound is as important as doing A sound, but it's worth experimenting with. I suspect it's more about training your body a certain way (whether through breath, sound, mantras, running baseball statistics through your head, etc.).

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One of Eric Yudelove's books talks about a "back of the throat" sound to make during sex.  I think it's the same idea as the key sound.


I'm not sure the SPECIFIC sound is as important as doing A sound, but it's worth experimenting with.  I suspect it's more about training your body a certain way (whether through breath, sound, mantras, running baseball statistics through your head, etc.).



actually covered that kind of thing in yoga today.


teacher was saying that to inhale using the strength of the glottis in the throat and not the force of the nose.

the sound that occurs is the hoarseness in the back of the throat and made me instantly remember reading that in yudeloves book.


what he was saying it was for is to bring your awareness into your body more. which is the way i think yudelove intended it to be used. awareness into body and away from genitals. relaxing the body and breathing deep.

i dunno.....

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actually covered that kind of thing in yoga today.


teacher was saying that to inhale using the strength of the glottis in the throat and not the force of the nose.

the sound that occurs is the hoarseness in the back of the throat and made me instantly remember reading that in yudeloves book.


what he was saying it was for is to bring your awareness into your body more. which is the way i think yudelove intended it to be used. awareness into body and away from genitals. relaxing the body and breathing deep.

i dunno.....




Yes, I think that's exactly it. The yudelove trick also has the advantage of putting the sound kind of near your jade pillow, one of the "pumps" that propel energy up the govenor channel to the brain. So if you are doing the "draw" practice it can complement that nicely.

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