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But the Kunlun path doesn't talk about an ultimate reality. And it is not kundalini energy as well. Max is married and in his practise you need a girl to "open up". To me this does not seem as an ultimate reality like Yogani (divine love). So is Max enlightment to a lesser extent?


Can you please explain the idea of needing a girl to open up?

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To complete the list from my last post, (free mp3's from Mark Griffin of HardLight, that have "kundalini" or "shaktipad" in the titles): "Kundalini and the Power of Time" parts 1, 2, 3.



I remembered why I didn't get into his stuff when you first recommended Mark years ago - I think I was a little overwhelmed and intimidated by the yogic language and references ...


Now I don't even need to listen to his words - in fact placing my awareness in the spaces between the words provides an opening for the transmission.


Mark's main offering, the main part of the study at HL, is transmission. 99% hardly begins to cover it. You could have zero interest in yogic terminology and still be an excellent HL student. (And it almost doesn't even matter what you practice, as long as you include still sitting.) The students who get the most out of it, imho, show up and sit and never (or almost never) ask questions nor participate in the external dialogue. When I was sitting there regularly, one of my friends wouldn't even be aware of what had been said for most of the meeting. If the lecture was extra-spectacular, I'd call him and say, "you've gotta hear last night's lecture" (that we were both at the night before) and he'd get the recording. :lol: Not that Mark isn't a really good lecturer, but you've clicked into what this style of teaching~studying is really about.


I've checked out the possibility of joining the streamed sessions. The problem is that if it's at 7:30 pm pacific time (-8 GMT, right?) then it's 3:30 am my time - now if I wasn't working this would actually be perfect - there are no disruptions at that time of the night... but as it stands at the moment, I would be a very sleepy worker on friday...
The streaming membership includes regular meetings and one intensive. Intensives are during the day (PST), invariably on a weekend. Even if you just streamed the intensive, it would be way worth your while. However, as a first step that'd be a doosie. I'd suggest that, at a minimum, you attend (stream or in-person) at least one regular meeting before you attend an intensive. It'd give you an easier introduction, allow you to become a little familiar, warm up your navigation skills to the new experience, allow your system to acclimate to the new vibe a bit.


If you have technical or logistics ?'s, there's contact info at the HardLight site (e-mail form & ph#).




Edited by Trunk

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But the Kunlun path doesn't talk about an ultimate reality. And it is not kundalini energy as well. Max is married and in his practise you need a girl to "open up". To me this does not seem as an ultimate reality like Yogani (divine love). So is Max enlightment to a lesser extent?


Can you please explain the idea of needing a girl to open up?

You don't need, it just can help because women tend to naturally be more emotional/feely which helps them run energy better. But just being around anyone that is already open will help...

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Few months ago I picked up some mp3s from the Hard Light store. If you are confused where to start, there are so many offerings, the wonderful women there at HL recommended this one:

Five Stages of Pratyahara Meditation


"This CD stands as one of the cornerstones of meditation in the Hard Light Center of Awakening and is a revolutionary teaching!"


You can get all these as downloadable mp3s too, which is really cool seeing as I'm in a remote jungle and I have to take a boat to the nearest mailbox. :lol:


I also picked up these and really enjoyed them:

Kundalini Meditation - Seated + Standing

Bindhu-Kundalini Meditation

The Awakener Guided Meditation


Now I don't even need to listen to his words - in fact placing my awareness in the spaces between the words provides an opening for the transmission.


Not that Mark isn't a really good lecturer, but you've clicked into what this style of teaching~studying is really about.


Good to know. Listening to these I definitely zoned way way out and was slightly concerned I wasn't "getting it". Mark is one trippy dude, that is for sure. :)



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You don't need, it just can help because women tend to naturally be more emotional/feely which helps them run energy better. But just being around anyone that is already open will help...


Thanks a lot for this answer.I thought u needed a woman to open up as well.


However, Max also said: You have to connect your nervous system to the woman's nervous system.

Than you never get sick!


Anther mystery to me is still what ithe ultimate reality is?

Here I just read a website:


Samadhi: the direct, intuitive perception of the highest truth


Samadhi seems to be the highest reality? Why are so many yogi's

doing mahasamadhi? Because they don't like life or because they go to

the ultimate reality?

Edited by TTT

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i hope that i don't offend you with this question, no offense is taken... and i doubt you will be but some people get touchy when skepticism is called in.


how do you know that Mark is actually doing anything? that he has any inherent power that is independent of your minds belief in that there a perceivable difference in sitting in during the live stream vs sitting alone, and if so, how do you know that this difference is not psycho somatic? i've received shaktipat before, bunch of times. in person and online, and have never felt anything, but then again i'm not very open... and very skeptical in nature. i m completely open minded to this idea though of transmission, but am skeptical. and was told that i had to be open to receive it and actually feel something. this leads me to think though that "open to receive" could just be psycho somatic, in other words.. you are leading yourself to believe that you will attain a deeper state of meditation through listening to this live stream with this cool dude, and like an affirmation "i know i can i know i can!", it works, but the cause isn't the person.. it's just the belief.


i had similiar thoughts about Guru Yoga in Vajrayana tradition, where you focus on the Guru as the perfect being who bestows blessings and clears your path for you, this could be entirely psycho somatic too, where the Guru isn't really doing anything, it's just your belief that is making you think and feel that you are receiving something, and just like an affirmation, gives you confidence to progress on the way and not give into fear. All you're doing is programming yourself and creating the conditions which aren't dependent upon the Guru at all, just like shakti isn't dependent upon receiving 'shaktipat' from someone, its just a ritual.


what do you think about this?


it's very late, i apoligize if this makes no sense.

Edited by mikaelz

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No offense taken. This is an open forum, thank Sean ;) .

how do you know that Mark is actually doing anything? that he has any inherent power that is independent of your minds belief in that there a perceivable difference in sitting in during the live stream vs sitting alone, and if so, how do you know that this difference is not psycho somatic?

These sorts of ?'s are the kind that everyone has to answer for themselves. Me talking about my experience isn't necesarily convincing to others, nor should it be.


I would say that people tend to mention that when sitting with Mark that it's unusually vivid that "something is going on".



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