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River Gazer

Rebalancing diet

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See, I've had an enormous craving for several years for meat since I did all the weightlifting back in grade nine. I mean, I put on 80 lbs of muscle and got stretch marks where you're not supposed to have stretch marks...

But its finally starting to pass, and i find parts of my health are at sort of a yellow alert... Little fatigued, bad skin, slow growing hair.

Hoping to get a food processor so i can make all sorts of veggie stuffs.


What i find often is that anything vegetable is often poorly conceived. V8 is the only thing close to edible vegetable food, and even it has enough tomato and salt to choke a horse.


Plannin to make all sorts of mixes like carrots, a few greens, garlic, and spices all mixed into a liquid, just as an example.

Spices and stuff rule. My experience is people gotta learn to use em more. Probly good for ya or something too




also, sorry for being away for like a year. Been outta sorts. Way too much on my mind.

Edited by River Gazer

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