
Beyond Earth Dance

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Hi Pepe: Thanks for updating the interview -- that's awesome! Yes my coworker is a big McKenna fan and has had me listen to a couple interviews with him. He wanted me to read his books and I pointed out that I already had! haha. I just watched "Better Living with Circuitry" this documentary on the rave scene. I've been ordering documentaries through the different public libraries in Minneapolis -- and I kept thinking this was a "how to" wire your house or something! haha. Anyway when they get to "BT" the "organic electronics" techno rave d.j. he's talking about the science of brain entrainment using light and sound -- he even wears an EEG headband so he can correlate his music with the theta brain state. He talks about how tribes do drumming at 4 to 6 beats per second and then have fires being fanned at the same rate.


This is the same issue as Terrance McKenna -- and one that I first confronted in my masters thesis. The issue is going back to the ancient through using the future technology -- it's most prominent in Japan (and yes I even watched a DvD of anime! haha). Unfortunately the darker and real side of this trend is that the CIA assimilates tribal cultures (what remains of them after they've been genocided, raped, nuked, put in concentration camps). So what gets reguritated is EXACTLY what the New Age-techno-hippy scene promotes. I just finished watching the PLANET EARTH BBC 5 Dvd series -- it ended with a section on how to save the endangered wildlife and ecosystems and Moises Leon was interviewed. I know him and studied with him in Costa Rica -- for 3 1/2 months. He's now put into practice a program where farmers are paid to plant trees to regenerate forest. My research in Costa Rica was interviewing farmers next to a "protected" forest, where they told me they hunted bush meat. I argued that unless the campesinos were brought into this conservation biology -- that these "protected" forests were a joke. So I was so happy to see the director of my school now doing just that -- getting the campesinos to get paid for saving Nature. A couple weeks ago I learned that the work I did against sweatshops -- getting my University to join the Workers Rights Consortium -- has now focused on the SAME town that my brother-in-law is from -- Apopa El Salvador. This is an AMAZING sychronicity since he joined the CIA army when he was 14 and he was forced to be the sex slave and that's something he will probably always live with, projecting his pain onto others -- his inability to sublimate his subconscious electromagnetic energy for brain focus, for education, etc. Slowly these transformations take place -- but who am I to know how or when -- all we can do is resonate with pure consciousness and the miracles happen. The book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Yogananda details this process very well.




One of the rave dudes said he had been just a "little thug" before he got into the rave scene. Another female said she had an orgasm right on the dance floor. Another female said her first rave changed her whole life. These are all great things -- a few days ago I had a couple full lotus mutual climaxes with this female who went into display behavior flexing her chest at me. The thing is she had no chest! haha. It didn't matter because I was shooting electromagnetic energy into her nipples and since I knew that she knew that she wanted to climax and so we did it. It was very blatant -- but that's the secret ability that modern males do not have -- psychic mutual climaxes in public.




This phenomenon was documented by a CIA-funded psychiatrist but he didn't really figure out what he was documenting -- the book "Ecstasy and Exorcism" that I've discussed. A fascinating read -- and then we learn that the MKUltra science became the key to the CIA's torture in Afghanistan and Iraq and Cuba -- total sensory deprivation of sound and light will completely breakdown a "personality" to get to a person's "essence" -- in just a couple days! It's more effective than any other kind of torture -- yet it's the same as sitting in a cave! haha. The ravers kept talking about "spine chilling" or spine tingling which then opened up their heart for true love -- and then there was the synchronized "Earth Dance" where djs all played the same song at the same time in different places across the planet. These are just SUPERFICIAL experiences that are the preliminary steps in opening up the chakras -- it's ELECTROCHEMICAL which is what drugs do on a more intense level. So when I took salvia I had no visions but I did have 6 internal climaxes -- while I was in full-lotus. Sure I had some perceptual distortion when I woke up from blacking out and then finally I saw rainbows around my hands -- with my pineal gland (I was in a pitch black room, with a hat over my eyes and my eyes closed). I then dreamt of the "mola" artwork of the Kuna people of Panama who smoke cannabis religiously -- it's psychedelic art that was in my breakfast room when I was a kid but I had never acknowledged the art work with my left-brain -- in words -- I had just stared at it every morning and then forgot about it for some 25 years. haha.




But since I can flex my pineal gland and my thalamus is already full of electromagnetic fields then I could over-ride how drugs deactive the thalamus' role of screening out subconscious body-mind perceptions. When salvia tried to pull my spirit out of my body the electromagnetic energy was not strong enough -- my spirit was only HALF out of my body and so I laughed at the drug. The drugs are just starting tools since the drugs are electrochemical whereas true shamanic healing is electromagnetic and based on building up the electromagnetic energy. This is why Chunyi Lin of http://springforestqigong.com spent a month in a cave with no food, no water and no sleep -- just full-lotus meditation. So the modern psychedelic-digital-tribal scene is still based on the patriarchal solar use of time -- whereas the real shamanic training doesn't use drugs but uses the sublimation of sex through complementary opposite harmonics where the pineal gland is based on the moon cycle. The "tantric technology trajectory" is part of the commodity fetish of late capitalism -- and it's also PART of the global ecological crisis. So as automation continues with RFID and nanobiomotors -- the military will unleash the BIG BLACK TRIANGLES more and more and finally the "Mothership" will land -- which is female formless awareness -- the SOURCE of the sun's energy. When we talk of these things in language then we still exist in left-brain dominance with the phonetic, digital logic of symmetric geometry using the solar-based time -- which is what 2012 is all about.


In fact pure consiousness is always already but has to be PRACTICED as mind-body resonance through the small universe 12 notes of the alchemical "scale" and through tai-chi and through diet and most importantly through the full-lotus. The practice is impersonal so that no one is practicing -- and it means transforming the kidney-fear energy to create "will power" -- to transform the righteous anger of the liver into the peaceful bliss of the heart and finally to deepen the bliss so much that the pineal gland gets permanently magnetized and light is seen outside of the body -- the light is transmitted into other people as electromagnetic energy. This process works through the parasympathetic nervous system -- the vagus nerve -- it's the INTERNAL climax -- but when the male climaxes that activates the sympathetic stress system. So the lunar female electrochemical energy is the secret to get to the SOURCE of the solar male electromagnetic energy, female formless awareness. The whole process is complementary opposite harmonics so that the source is then female formless awareness but talking is of little value whereas practice is the only means -- just like music. How many young males stopped taking piano lessons because they didn't want to practice their scales? And yet this is after music is mastered.

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Hi Pepe: I'm glad to see you ordered Sargent's book as that's a really valuable over-view of trance dance healing. You'll find in the book a continuum that starts with post WWII soldier trauma and then ends in the post-colonial trauma of the Caribbean. The black culture in the U.S. suffers from 500 years of mental slavery such that blacks do not even KNOW what they are missing and Sargent's book details this fact by showing how the trance dance healing in the African-American culture is watered-down. And so it is with Japan, as Master Nan, Huai-chin details in his two main books WORKING TOWARDS ENLIGHTENMENT and REALIZING ENLIGHTENMENT. The ability for someone like Chunyi Lin to go without water, food and sleep for a month straight is ONLY because of very strong electromagnetic fields stored in the body. I know this because I went 8 days on half a glass of water yet I never suffered hunger nor thirst and needed less and less sleep BECAUSE I built up stronger and stronger electromagnetic fields. So what stopped me? The danger of EXORCISING the ghost-possession by modern materialistic people -- my electromagnetic fields were literally rewiring the body-mind electromagnetic SHEN or light spirit of modern people and the demons do not like to be exorcised. The Bushmen culture is the ONLY human culture which was based on the REGULAR exorcism of these demons in a manner that all the males participated. The training to create strong electromagnetic fields such that the CHI turns to SHEN is such a high form of tai-chi that it's not even covered in tai-chi books. Shen is considered too advanced yet SHEN is what qigong masters work with. The secret is to FOCUS ON THE SOLUTION and the simplest is the most powerful -- which is why I always sit in full-lotus when I watch movies, type at the computer, do my job at work, sit with my family, etc. It's self-defense against the demons -- but as I stated the power of the healing is dangerous -- the electromagnetic fields -- so even the SHEN must return to pure consciousness which is a nice peaceful bliss. There's a constant cycling of the energy back to the pure consciousness. There's different levels of blockages but the main blockage is emotional and the next is nutritional and the secret is to get beyond the anger-fear emotions of the male sympathetic system. I still recommend the book TAOIST YOGA: ALCHEMY AND IMMORTALITY as the best text but if you order Mantak Chia's very first book that is a great way to better understand the beginning training experience of Taoist Yoga. The next step is to actually do the training and this means BODY transformation -- you can't fake the full-lotus.

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Hi Pepe -- thanks for the PM -- here's a good article by Bill Bodhri from his website full of free information. I had no idea that Nan, Huai-chin's books are now out of print! I read each book three times each and probably gave my copies away or sold them. I may be able to track down my copies from the local stores to see if they are at a good price.



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