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Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill

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Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill


by Mike Adams


(NaturalNews) The new $800 billion economic stimulus bill contains some striking new "Big Brother" health care language that should give pause to all freedom-loving Americans. For starters, the bill requires the electronic tracking of the medical records of all Americans. All your private medical data will be stored in a government database, including your history of disease, pharmaceutical treatments, surgeries and even emergency room visits.


How would you like the government knowing all the details about your drug rehab? Or alcoholism treatments? Abortion? Sexually-transmitted disease diagnosis? Pregnancy status? Blood test results?


But it gets even more interesting than that: Under the new provisions found in the bill, all U.S. doctors will now be stripped of autonomy and forced to follow the medical treatment guidelines dictated by the government.


This news should rock the medical world (once they truly understand it). It means doctors can no longer make their own decisions about patients' needs or treatment protocols. From now on, all health care decisions will be centrally planned by a dictatorial, Big Brother health care authority in the federal government.


How to turn doctors into sheeple

As reports, Tom Daschle was one of the architects of this plan, and he says that doctors "have to learn to operate less like solo practitioners."


Any doctor that deviates from that plan would be penalized by the government. That means, for example, that a local doctor who knows the patient and his family, and who is aware of specific local circumstances affecting that patient will no longer be able to apply any of that knowledge in treating the patient. All treatments will be dictated from the government, obliterating the whole point of allowing doctors to operate with some degree of autonomy in the first place.


Effectively, this bill transforms the entire U.S. medical profession into nothing more than pill-pushing puppets. It wipes out the intelligence of a local doctor and replaces it with the stupidity of Big Government.


If the government says all expectant mothers must be screened for depression and put on antidepressant drugs, then all the doctors have to play along and do that if they don't want to be fined or have their medical licenses taken away. If the government says nutritional supplements are dangerous and cannot be recommended to patients, then all doctors must remain silent and avoid telling patients the truth about helpful nutritional supplements. Whatever the government dictates must now be mirrored by all practicing doctors.

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Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill


by Mike Adams


(NaturalNews) The new $800 billion economic stimulus bill contains some striking new "Big Brother" health care language that should give pause to all freedom-loving Americans. For starters, the bill requires the electronic tracking of the medical records of all Americans. All your private medical data will be stored in a government database, including your history of disease, pharmaceutical treatments, surgeries and even emergency room visits.


How would you like the government knowing all the details about your drug rehab? Or alcoholism treatments? Abortion? Sexually-transmitted disease diagnosis? Pregnancy status? Blood test results?


But it gets even more interesting than that: Under the new provisions found in the bill, all U.S. doctors will now be stripped of autonomy and forced to follow the medical treatment guidelines dictated by the government.


This news should rock the medical world (once they truly understand it). It means doctors can no longer make their own decisions about patients' needs or treatment protocols. From now on, all health care decisions will be centrally planned by a dictatorial, Big Brother health care authority in the federal government.


How to turn doctors into sheeple

As reports, Tom Daschle was one of the architects of this plan, and he says that doctors "have to learn to operate less like solo practitioners."


Any doctor that deviates from that plan would be penalized by the government. That means, for example, that a local doctor who knows the patient and his family, and who is aware of specific local circumstances affecting that patient will no longer be able to apply any of that knowledge in treating the patient. All treatments will be dictated from the government, obliterating the whole point of allowing doctors to operate with some degree of autonomy in the first place.


Effectively, this bill transforms the entire U.S. medical profession into nothing more than pill-pushing puppets. It wipes out the intelligence of a local doctor and replaces it with the stupidity of Big Government.


If the government says all expectant mothers must be screened for depression and put on antidepressant drugs, then all the doctors have to play along and do that if they don't want to be fined or have their medical licenses taken away. If the government says nutritional supplements are dangerous and cannot be recommended to patients, then all doctors must remain silent and avoid telling patients the truth about helpful nutritional supplements. Whatever the government dictates must now be mirrored by all practicing doctors.


Why not quote what you are concerned about. Base you argument on facts instead of emotions.



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Why not quote what you are concerned about. Base you argument on facts instead of emotions.



I agree entirely.

Course then again governments have been hurting people in various ways for years. Even though I am not christian i quote king solomon 'man dominates man to his injury'. Simple terms, rule by one or a few always creates hardship for the many. That is the eventuality and unfortunate truth of all nations who acquire Sovereignty. In this case the cause and the solution are way to deep to cure by ordinary means.

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All your private medical data will be stored in a government database, including your history of disease, pharmaceutical treatments, surgeries and even emergency room visits.


all health care decisions will be centrally planned by a dictatorial, Big Brother health care authority in the federal government.


Any doctor that deviates from that plan would be penalized by the government.

The invasion of privacy, monopolization/homogenization of all health care and loss of doctor/patient freedom of choice in the system severely disturbs me.


It's already bad enough as is, now everyone must march in lockstep with the medical mafia or face Big Bro penalties???


F that.

F Obama.

F his man, Daschole.


These moves are all the EXACT opposite of what I wanted. Now there's less privacy and less choices? What about more autonomy to choose our own holistic alternatives? WTF?!


HUGE THUMBS DOWN to our new POTUS! :angry:

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That is not a good thing.


However for those who have seen the movie Mongol, I think the wisest stance to take on issues such as these is this guy's:



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You know what's funny? If you contacted your local congressmen and informed him of this "slip" in the stimulus bill, his reply would most likely be somewhere along the lines of, "That was in the bill?!!?"


Some of you may have seen this video of Boehner admitting that nobody in congress could have possibly read it all.





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All I see here is an article from "Natural News" whatever that is. I just wish people would quote from the actual bill and not engage in arguments that may be misleading. I don't like govt. intrusion either. Just state what the bill says. This requires English 101 skills. Nothing more!



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Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill


by Mike Adams


(NaturalNews) The new $800 billion economic stimulus bill contains some striking new "Big Brother" health care language that should give pause to all freedom-loving Americans. For starters, the bill requires the electronic tracking of the medical records of all Americans. All your private medical data will be stored in a government database, including your history of disease, pharmaceutical treatments, surgeries and even emergency room visits.


How would you like the government knowing all the details about your drug rehab? Or alcoholism treatments? Abortion? Sexually-transmitted disease diagnosis? Pregnancy status? Blood test results?


I'm gleaning over the House bill now, and apparently this type of information gathering is referred to, within the bill, as EHR (electronic health record) Technology. From what i've read in the "Division B - Other Provisions" section of the House bill, Titles III, IV and V regarding health issues, EHR technology seems to be the main focus covering qualifications for EHR funding(pgs 500-505 in pdf file), grants and implementation of this technology within medical academia and the private sector.


Might read some more later, but so far the article is legit.

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(4) $500,000,000 for construction to upgrade or modify critical infrastructure, as defined in section 1016(e) of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001
Uh, does this include FEMA camps?
CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEFINED- In this section, the term `critical infrastructure' means systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters.
Man, this bill is chock-full of HUGE GRANTS for vague pork... So, I'm getting the feeling the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" is just another excuse for funding more Big Bro infrastructure like the "Patriot" Acts...

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How to turn doctors into sheeple

As reports, Tom Daschle was one of the architects of this plan, and he says that doctors "have to learn to operate less like solo practitioners."


Any doctor that deviates from that plan would be penalized by the government. That means, for example, that a local doctor who knows the patient and his family, and who is aware of specific local circumstances affecting that patient will no longer be able to apply any of that knowledge in treating the patient. All treatments will be dictated from the government, obliterating the whole point of allowing doctors to operate with some degree of autonomy in the first place.


Effectively, this bill transforms the entire U.S. medical profession into nothing more than pill-pushing puppets. It wipes out the intelligence of a local doctor and replaces it with the stupidity of Big Government.


Daschle was one of the main architects of the healthcare part of the legislation. But I think you are a little confused as to his take on the medical profession. He, as well as most doctors, see a lot of waste in the healthcare system.


Should a 95 year old be able to get knee or hip replacements? How about a heart transplant? With the way things are set up currently this happens quite frequently. $60k per knee or hip! This is the kind of thing Daschle is against. You might read his book to get a clearer perspective.


And doctors in the U.S. hardly work from any place of autonomy. They are limited in their schooling, which happens to funded heavily by drug companies. They are so overworked that much of current data they get on drugs is from drug reps. And the amount of time and courses of treatment are already highly regimented by the insurance companies.


There is little any bill from Congress can do to make the healthcare situation in the U.S. worse. In fact, I applaud any steps to change the current system.

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I posted on this bill before. This is the end to any doctor prescribing alternative/natural medical treatments. Thus, the further segregation of natural medicine as quack science.


Still there is good news. Have you read what New Hampshire is doing?


I think people are already starting to wake up to TCM. Every year, we see more and more

people turn to it. You wouldn't believe the amount of western MD's in my class. :)

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From now on, all health care decisions will be centrally planned by a dictatorial, Big Brother health care authority in the federal government.


Oh My God! Next thing you know the gov't will have access to all my credit history and my tax history and my fingerprint and home address, my car license plate, my social security number... Oh,... right... they already do.

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I heard a lot of states had bills in place to succede from the union. I think there were 26-28. Im not sure that its accurate. Does anyone have any info concerning this.


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