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Red palm oil

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Just wanna let you know.


I just got some red palm oil (organic and cold pressed, one should choose only the best when it comes to fat). Then I cooked a wok of sweet potatoes, sesame seeds and spices.. <_<:):D:P


Man, this is some good s*it. Very rich taste.. kind of fruity. Gives a bit the same vibe as rooibos when it comes to tea.


Also, my other favourite cooking has been coconut oil (same specs as above). It's been a learning experience to notice how important good quality oil (and enough oil) is for the taste and enjoyment of the food. Third one I use is butter/ghee, when I want more neutral tasting effect, you can't use coconut/palm oil for everything..



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Yea, coconut oil is super-healthy and I just got a jar. Tastes GREAT too!


But, you're supposed to refrigerate it after opening, right? Which then hardens it and makes it hard to scoop out after. :( So, do you take it out and "defrost" it for an hour before each use, or what?


Or does it really need to be refrigerated?

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Yea, coconut oil is super-healthy and I just got a jar. Tastes GREAT too!


But, you're supposed to refrigerate it after opening, right? Which then hardens it and makes it hard to scoop out after. :( So, do you take it out and "defrost" it for an hour before each use, or what?


Or does it really need to be refrigerated?


Actually, I'm quite certain you don't have to refrigerate it. At least mine says so and that has worked for me..

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