
Do You Train Martial Arts?

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My strategy would be the same no matter who I had to defend myself against. I simply try to use the energy and the angles I was taught to slice through your aura and attack your spirit.


What your showing in your video is not "self defense". End of story. Your arms are up, his are down. You are lunching forward, he is standing there. The only thing spiritual about what your teaching is the sign you use on the front of your shop.


I wish I could say reality worked that way, but it does not. He has no intent on attacking you, and you are punishing him like your little bitch. Is that why you have him on film? So he can look like your bitch? You are not handling your body like a blade, and you wanna sliceup bitches?



Edited by Spectrum

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Sifu Hata often at class demonstrates with multiple attackers around him and shows how to defend against them. A lot of times after showing a technique in class he will ask how many punches did he hit you with. All I know is that they all hurt really bad, and I have lost track of the number of punches, and I would have no desire to contiunue fighting if it was in real life. He is usually able to get off like 4 blows in about a second. You really have to experience the energy to believe it. So far we have had two Tao Bums go to the class to feel the energy (myself included). Anyone else is welcome to show up for a visit and demonstration. Sifu Hata will let you feel the energy without hurting you. He usually starts with a light tap and asks the student to let him know when to stop as he starts putting a little more energy into it. It is a martial art that is different than anything out there. Craig

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Its madness to hurl your body into a tree shreader and call it artistic.

Edited by Spectrum

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Sifu Hata's martial art is transmitted by having the energy put into you by him hitting you. It goes into your muscles and bones until you have the energy. One person compared it to a type of shaktipat last week. I have only been there two months and one student commented that there was fire energy coming out of my hands when we were practicing hitting each other. Sifu Hata has told me that after 6 months I would really feel a difference. This is one way in which this martial art is different than others. Craig

Edited by portcraig

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I have many years experience as a mixed martial artist. Recently I focused my studies in Iron Shirt Chi Gung. The advantages is knowing the best of kung fu, karate, jujitsu, muay thai and boxing to attack and defend. When I developed my Iron Shirt Chi, I can do same demos on video YouTube. I can handle full blasted hits and kicks and it has no effect on me. I am not saying I'm the best in MMA. I can handle any street fighters. I worked as a bouncer and bodyguard, very easy work for me.
Cool, would you mind posting some vids up of that?


I'm also eagerly awaiting vids from Spirit Ape & Drew Hempel, lol...although I have a feeling they never will... :(

high level energy work to open the upper dan tien is very dangerous. Please do not attempt this without the guidance of a qualified teacher...


SSTT exercises and techniques naturally open the 3 dan tiens. People should never try to forcibly open or awaken the upper tan tien. The dan tiens should open naturally on their own. The SSTT exercises and techniques come from ancient Shang Ch'ing taoist traditions. In the Shang Ch'ing tradition, for the word "Tao" they used the character "SanDao" which means "The Triune Tao". So, the main thrust of their exercises was to balance all three aspects of Tao; Heaven Earth and Man. In the human body, these are the upper dan tien (Heaven), Lower (earth) and Middle (Man). There are higher level practices that we teach that open the upper Dan tien, but they should never be practiced without proper guidance and only after gaining some mastery in the preliminary techniques... The power of the martial system in SSTT comes from energy flowing through all three dan tiens. But it is a very natural process and result of 1600 year old Shang Ching exercises...

I hope that answers your questions.

Cool, I'm curious about what type of neigong/qigong exercises these are?


Philosophically, I would agree that most openings should actually be allowed to do so spontaneously like a flower. We just provide the proper soil, water and sunlight.

Sifu Hata's martial art is transmitted by having the energy put into you by him hitting you. It goes into your muscles and bones until you have the energy. One person compared it to a type of shaktipat last week. I have only been there two months and one student commented that there was fire energy coming out of my hands when we were practicing hitting each other. Sifu Hata has told me that after 6 months I would really feel a difference. This is one way in which this martial art is different than others. Craig
If I was in LA, I'd definitely go check this out... I'm also curious what Hata's lineage is and who else knows this art? Edited by vortex

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What your showing in your video is not "self defense". End of story. Your arms are up, his are down. You are lunching forward, he is standing there. The only thing spiritual about what your teaching is the sign you use on the front of your shop.


I wish I could say reality worked that way, but it does not. He has no intent on attacking you, and you are punishing him like your little bitch. Is that why you have him on film? So he can look like your bitch? You are not handling your body like a blade, and you wanna sliceup bitches?


I get told same thing as bouncer.. I don't give them chance and I don't want any camera or cops. Anyone videos us bouncing, we take away both cameras/cell phones, erase pictures videos and return camera and phone.


real or fake?


real or fake?



Someone from this board go visit them? I fight as bouncer and get paid. Sometime I bust them up bad.

I'm not challenging peaceful customers. I stop trouble to good customers. Owner wants all be peaceful, for more good customers who don't fight. No make trouble for people on this board! I have enought fighting at work.


I don't care video above real or fake. I only care when I'm in streets, what happens in the streets. Good people I no make trouble and no make fight!

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Many people on this board already know which lineage it is. But, we have been asked by the masters to keep that private on a public level. To our knowledge, there are only two living masters of this art and Sifu Hata is the only person given the rank of Sifu by both of them in Spirit Fighting. There are a few others who have been taught this but only in "closed door classes" This is the first time, this art has been brought public. The grandmaster denies that this art exists and has stopped teaching it in its pure form decades ago, because he thought it was too dangerous. he teaches a watered down form of this only.
Yea, I think I skimmed over it somewhere in So, there's just Hata & his GM right now...going, going, gone!


But, how important are the transmissions to attaining functional ability and self-sufficiency in this art...and how many transmissions do you need until you are functional and can maintain or progress further on your own?


And how long does the daily routine take, if there is one?

Edited by vortex

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If we were to use the SSTT techniques in real time under real conditions, there is a very real danger of putting someone in the hospital.


Could you tell us of a time when you have had to use these techniques? A story?


I have seen nothing to convince me of all these descriptions of granduer. Your countering my skepitism with martial art apologetics. From my perspective you guys are not high level anythings. Show me videos to convince me and I will apologize for my words.


With all respect, you know nothing of this art having never experienced it.


I have two eyes and a brain, and you've posted videos of yourself moving. The camera doesn't lie. Your words do not coorespond w/ your demo. Your pushing the cart before the horse.


Any conclusions based on viewing videos alone is worhtless. So, you can spend all day badmouthing me from the safety of your computer screen, but until you see it in person for yourself you don't know what you are talking about. it is pure speculation.


The position your putting yourself semantically begs to be cooresponded with movement.

Edited by Spectrum

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I don't see what's so hard to understand about, "come test it out in person before making a judgment."

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I don't see what's so hard to understand about, "come test it out in person before making a judgment."


I'm not inspired by what i've seen or read. End of story. It seems to me like aggressiveness disguised as "self defense".


My ears hurt from all the angry men I've been around in my life being tougher than the guys next to them. Internal martial artists are the worst, because its always "to dangerous to show"...


If I saw a few moments of fluidity in motion that solved a physical problem instantaneously I would say different, but as it stands i'm not seeing any problem solving.

Edited by Spectrum

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So, who cares? Just move on then. No need to be so rude to people. Others are inspired by it who have been to train with them.

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Believe me or not, I don't care.


I care enough to speak up when its called for. These are only words. I'd love to mouth off to you in person until you lunge at me. Then you could demonstrate your self control and internal energy cultivation. Do you care enough to keep the peace?

Edited by Spectrum

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If you really care, go and see for yourself in person if they're full of it or not. If you still feel the same way, then it will make complete sense for you to post here and say so. But as it stands now, you have no experience with their you have no basis to talk!


Edit: by the way, you just edited your posts like 3 times. That's a good sign that you should walk away and stop posting, because you're too emotionally involved.


Edit: now that was another edit, like 4 or 5 times now? :lol:

Edited by Scotty

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If you really care, go and see for yourself in person if they're full of it or not. If you still feel the same way, then it will make complete sense for you to post here and say so. But as it stands now, you have no experience with their you have no basis to talk!


Edit: by the way, you just edited your posts like 3 times. That's a good sign that you should walk away and stop posting, because you're too emotionally involved.


Scotty, have you felt them up?


Edit: by the way, you just edited your posts like 3 times. That's a good sign that you should walk away and stop posting, because you're too emotionally involved.


Edit: now that was another edit, like 4 or 5 times now? :lol:


lol. measure me.

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No. And why do you say it like that? Why be so rude?


I used to think you were a peaceful guy!


Like you, I also don't believe the things they say about their system. But I have no basis to speak, since I haven't tested it out in person...which is what they recommend. I would if I were closer, but I don't care that much.


Since you seem to care that much, why not go check it out before saying anything?

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Northern Shaolin and Hung Gar and Jing Mo System


Gwong Zhau Sum Nung Wingchun


Tung Ying Kit's Yang's style Taichi


Chen Style TaiChi


Seven Star Praying Mantis


WuDang Tai Yi Internal Kungfu


*bare hands forms, chi gung forms, weaponaries, and more...


Used to teach at the temple, but now we changed to teaching fully on taoism and not kungfu anymore, so people who used to learn kungfu now all changed to "taoist" and learn "taoism" stuff instead. Just no time to do kungfu anymore when taoism is too busy on the mainstream.

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Having felt a bit of (and been impressed by) the art myself recently, I'd love to hear a story of you putting it to use (against humans) if you care to share, if you'd like you can PM me. thanks-

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No. And why do you say it like that? Why be so rude?


I used to think you were a peaceful guy!


So you can feel the difference. Words matter.

Edited by Spectrum

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