
Ming Men

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the drill where you twist your torso and slap the ltt and the mm with your hands is a nice little wake up, recharge, warmup exercise and a good one to do b4 meditation.

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"In Taoism, this is a very important centre, for it serves as the junction with the Belt Channel, which encircles the body horizontally, and is activated during higher stages of Taoist practice."


This post from Exorcist_1699 today.

For example, without having successfully initialized embryonic breathing, there is no way of claiming any success in doing the micro-cosmic circulation; in fact, many people are just circulating the qi in the channels but claim themselves doing the circulation ... The point is, the deeply hidden root of all these qi circulating in our body comes from the invisible gate : Mengmen(the gate of life,"命門") ..without the open of it, saying that by just circulating ordinary qi can make us live forever, of course, is not true.

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Sorry for bumping, but for some reason I am being pointed to look more into the mingmen.


How does one know when the mingmen is felt by the awareness/attention?

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Now that I think of it, all of my life I have had these sensations called spinal shivers.


I guess everyone has felt them. The classic term when someone is scared is 'it sent shivers up my spine'.


Anyway I had a shiver before and it seemed to originate from the mingmen and travel simultaneously downwards to the tail bone and up towards the brain.

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Sorry for bumping, but for some reason I am being pointed to look more into the mingmen.


How does one know when the mingmen is felt by the awareness/attention?


Taiji will get that area to open /close rhythmically to pulsing sensation. Just a minimal movement. Then that can be done in walking. If you can do that it gives tremendous energy for hiking etc.

It is essential for rooting as well. For a mechanical body alignment the open position created by tucking the tail bone is essential. Very gentle tucking of the tailbone is all that is necessary. Then it is easy to take a push to your stance and lead it down to the feet. Or rhythmically arching and flattening the back to the floor or wall by tucking the tailbone under. Don't create a lean in the upper body though. Look at yourself in a mirror in a side perspective. Try it also sitting. Also do the common lifting at the top of the head elongating the neck. Again a minimal movement.

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Sorry for bumping, but for some reason I am being pointed to look more into the mingmen.


How does one know when the mingmen is felt by the awareness/attention?


I'm a big believer in the importance of the ming men.


For me I find it a pretty easy area to focus my mind and as a 'doorway' to the dantian. Right there in the small of the back. Whenever I put my mind there my awareness becomes less linearly focused and I achieve more of '360 degree' consciousness. So that's one way you might tell. Warmth in the dantian is also a good sign.

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Thank you for all your pointers.


I seem to have had a lot of fire in the mingmen, but not the LDT. I have felt the same fire to a greater extent in the MDT.


Maybe I am mistaking the mingmen heat for the LDT. The spot seems directly in between the kidneys, touching the spinal cord.

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Thank you for all your pointers.


I seem to have had a lot of fire in the mingmen, but not the LDT. I have felt the same fire to a greater extent in the MDT.


Maybe I am mistaking the mingmen heat for the LDT. The spot seems directly in between the kidneys, touching the spinal cord.

within the realm of possibility that you're letting your attention wander too much?


focus properly on the LDT and harmonize the breath structures and it'll generate heat - but if your mind is off somewhere else (even another energetic point) then it will dilute what you are doing. .02 :)

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within the realm of possibility that you're letting your attention wander too much?


focus properly on the LDT and harmonize the breath structures and it'll generate heat - but if your mind is off somewhere else (even another energetic point) then it will dilute what you are doing. .02 :)


Yes I am very open to that possibility.


Also I want to add that normally the fire starts in areas that I am not even concentrating on. For example, yesterday the soles of my feet went hot and I rarely focus on them at all.

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Yes I am very open to that possibility.


Also I want to add that normally the fire starts in areas that I am not even concentrating on. For example, yesterday the soles of my feet went hot and I rarely focus on them at all.


I'd say it would be beneficial to access the Ming Men via the navel, and follow the line from the navel to the mingmen until it meets the spine. The actual cavity is on the internal side of the spine, and focusing on it indirectly is much more efficient. In addition, coupling this point with the Hui Yin is beneficial not only for the overall aplitude of Jing in the lower Jiao, but for the reproductive organs as well.



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Posted (edited)

Ok I will share a secret I found out that works like magic 


lower Dantian mantra HUN

this spins the lower three chakras root sacral lower Dantian and solar plexus chakras


middle Dantian mantra AHH 

works the heart chakra


upper Dantian mantra MMM

works throat third eye crown zeal point chakra and soul star chakras


now the Ming Men has to be activated with the heart chakra easy to do but you have to find the correct spot look it up on google the exact location place left hand on heart centre right hand place on your Ming men the ming men is an actual chakra 


chanting these mantras sends chi to each area when you look up Chinese methods they never work the chakras the Ming men chakra can be worked on its own by chanting Ming Mennnnnnn on the inhale and exhale with all these chants you keep saying it in your mind but extend the end of the mantra so that it vibrates on the full inhale and exhale if that makes sense


Now here is the best bit which some of you will resonate with others may struggle with all the energy centres including Dantians contain a frequency which if you read or listen to Dr Joe Dispenza’s book becoming supernatural you will see by upgrading the frequency of each energy centre you can fix a whole host of sickness within the body 


so what I do is just silently say I bless my lower dantian with Love same with middle same with upper with your awareness in that centre if you have not activated your lower dantian properly you may not be feeling the awareness side but it doesn’t matter just place your hand in each centre and bless it 


to activate those chants first go and take a bath with some salts in it to clean you make sure you have clean hands this is very important if you want this to work then place your right palm on your belly button area chant HUNN 9 times then goto your heart centre chant AHH then the third eye chant MMM 


you have to be clean always when you activate these centres then daily habit bless each dantian with love, peace or enlightenment 


what I found is doing this doesn’t just upgrade the frequency in the dantian but also all other chakras that correspond with each dantian


now with the lower dantian you need to link it to the Ming men you do this by blessing the lower dantian then immediately after bless the Ming men 


what you should find is when you build power in the lower dantian it will chill you out because it goes through the Ming men chakra as well if you do not link and work the Ming men you may end up like I did cold always up the spine the Ming men chakra pulls energy up the spine you also have a very power centre at the back of the heart called Jia Ja and it responds to its name so you do the same with the middle dantian I bless my middle dantian with love or whatever frequency you like the Jia ja has the power of you chant any body part any bone make you increase the electrical energy at that bone so I decided to learn all 33 vertebra’s of my spine and started blessing those and energy gets condensed into the spine you can also do the full skeleton by saying skeleton seems strange to think of it like this but it works so if you have cold hands I bless the bones of my hands with love keep saying that energy goes there 


now the three Dantians can be powered up by chanting the mantra circling the eyes clockwise do this the dantian gets more power Ming men as well clockwise increases the energy at any chakra don’t over do this this works I’ve been working with energy since 2011 


I remember a person who visualised all the bones in his body and remembered the bones he would do this method every day thinking of his bones he new where they were it was called the white bone meditation method very powerful he was actually burgled and he looked at the burglar waved his hand and the burglar froze these are very good methods but take things slow and if you work the Ming men you maybe supprised what happens but there are cautions to the Ming men I would look it up before you mess with it if you have a major imbalance of yin and yang let’s say your always cold you cannot build Yang working the Ming men will make the coldness worse so be very careful 


what does the Ming men actually do apart from drawing energy up the spine it releases the kundalini it’s where it is actually stored this is very powerful I’ve been lucky to meet people who felt like they had 10,000 vaults of electricity through them when they were sparing it’s due to the Ming men chakra it’s what it does but it has another function in martial arts and when you work it correctly you will find this out it has the ability to blow people off there feet I don’t do this but it reverses thrust or energy motion sending it to the floor so the more incoming force the more they are repelled away that’s my understanding of the Ming men but once you work it you will find energy goes to the feet and back up when you get it to work 


allot of info here Dr Joes book becoming supernatural is well worth a read to give you the science of how this works but you can speed it up by using the three Dantians work then you also work the chakras


the upper Dantian is really fun to work it’s not the same as chanting the universal frequency AUMM or OMM all spooky goings on will happen when you build that energy in the upper but when you think what’s actually going on your working the main psychic centres of the body by working it keep upgrading the frequency you will find the energy becomes very lite almost like you can’t feel it due to the upgrading of the frequency contained in those centres 


give this a try not many people actually have real experiance working them properly and you don’t need to spend months or years to build the lower Dantian building and compressing do the basics maybe a slight pause on the breath on the inhale and exhale is all I do I used to do reverse breath compressions all a load of crap when you can have enough power to blow someone through a brick wall if you spend some times activating the Dantians and Ming men properly 


the back heart chakra is very very powerful and when it fires up it will shock you the Ming men will electrocute you 20,000 vaults of power runs through a standard body at any one time you can’t feel it until you work the Ming men if it scares you lay on the floor on the ground to ground your energies until it calms down you will get used to it but if you activate it cross legged the vantage will want to snap your legs joints open the legs and go through the cleansing you will never go back once you do this all the power you need is in you rite now you do not need to waste years building power activate things properly this is not in any book I nearly died from not understanding how this works energy has to flow if it cannot look at the ones from Mopai who died very sad to talk about them and more will follow because not everything activated properly the way it should this is very true 

Edited by The Duke
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22 minutes ago, The Duke said:

Ok I will share a secret I found out that works like magic 


lower Dantian mantra HUN

this spins the lower three chakras root sacral lower Dantian and solar plexus


middle Dantian mantra AHH 

works the heart chakra


upper Dantian mantra MMM

works throat third eye crown zeal point chakra and soul star chakras


now the Ming Men has to be activated with the heart chakra easy to do but you have to find the correct spot look it up on google the exact location place left hand on heart centre right hand place on your king men the king men is an actual chakra 


chanting these sends chi to each area when you look up Chinese methods they never work the chakras the Ming men chakra can be worked on its own by chanting Ming Mennnnnnn on the inhale and exhale with all these chants you keep saying it in your mind but extend the end of the mantra so that it vibrates on the full inhale and exhale if that makes sense


Now here is the best bit which some of you will resonate with others may struggle with all the energy centres including Dantians contain a frequency which if you read or listen to Dr Joe Dispenza’s book becoming supernatural you will see by upgrading the frequency of each energy centre you can fix a whole host of sickness within the body 


so what I do is just silently say I bless my lower dantian with Love same with middle same with upper with your awareness in that centre if you have not activated your lower dantian properly you may not be feeling the awareness side but it doesn’t matter just place your hand in each centre and bless it 


to activate those chants first go and take a bath with some salts in it to clean you make sure you have clean hands this is very important if you want this to work then place your right palm on your belly button area chant HUNN 9 times then goto your heart centre chant AHH then the third eye chant MMM 


you have to be clean always when you activate these centres then daily habit bless each dantian with love, peace or enlightenment 


what I found is doing this doesn’t just upgrade the frequency in the dantian but also all other chakras that correspond with each dantian


now with the lower dantian you need to link it to the Ming men you do this by blessing the lower dantian then immediately after bless the Ming men 


what you should find is when you build power in the lower dantian it will chill you out because it goes through the Ming men chakra as well if you do not link and work the Ming men you may end up like I did cold always up the spine the Ming men chakra pulls energy up the spine you also have a very power centre at the back of the heart called Jia Ja and it responds to its name so you do the same with the middle dantian I bless my middle dantian with love or whatever frequency you like the Jia ja has the power of you chant any body part any bone make you increase the electrical energy at that bone so I decided to learn all 33 vertebra’s of my spine and started blessing those and energy gets condensed into the spine you can also do the full skeleton by saying skeleton seems strange to think of it like this but it works so if you have cold hands I bless the bones of my hands with love keep saying that energy goes there 


now the three Dantians can be powered up by chanting the mantra circling the eyes clockwise do this the dantian gets more power Ming men as well clockwise increases the energy at any chakra don’t over do this this works I’ve been working with energy since 2011 


I remember a person who visualised all the bones in his body and remembered the bones he would do this method every day thinking of his bones he new where they were it was called the white bone meditation method very powerful he was actually burgled and he looked at the burglar waved his hand and the burglar froze these are very good methods but take things slow and if you work the Ming men you maybe supprised what happens but there are cautions to the Ming men I would look it up before you mess with it if you have a major imbalance of yin and yang let’s say your always cold you cannot build Yang working the Ming men will make the coldness worse so be very careful 


what does the Ming men actually do apart from drawing energy up the spine it releases the kundalini it’s where it is actually stored this is very powerful I’ve been lucky to meet people who felt like they had 10,000 vaults of electricity through them when they were sparing it’s due to the Ming men chakra it’s what it does but it has another function in martial arts and when you work it correctly you will find this out it has the ability to blow people off there feet I don’t do this but it reverses thrust or energy motion sending it to the floor so the more incoming force the more they are repelled away that’s my understanding of the Ming men but once you work it you will find energy goes to the feet and back up when you get it to work 


allot of info here Dr Joes book becoming supernatural is well worth a read to give you the science of how this works but you can speed it up by using the three Dantians work then you also work the chakras


the upper Dantian is really fun to work it’s not the same as chanting the universal frequency AUMM or OMM all spooky goings on will happen when you build that energy in the upper but when you think what’s actually going on your working the main psychic centres of the body by working it keep upgrading the frequency you will find the energy becomes very lite almost like you can’t feel it due to the upgrading of the frequency contained in those centres 


give this a try not many people actually have real experiance working them properly and you don’t need to spend months or years to build the lower Dantian building and compressing do the basics maybe a slight pause on the breath on the inhale and exhale is all I do I used to do reverse breath compressions all a load of crap when you can have enough power to blow someone through a brick wall if you spend some times activating the Dantians and Ming men properly 


the back heart chakra is very very powerful and when it fires up it will shock you the Ming men will electrocute you 20,000 vaults of power runs through a standard body at any one time you can’t feel it until you work the Ming men if it scares you lay on the floor on the ground to ground your energies until it calms down you will get used to it but if you activate it cross legged the vantage will want to snap your legs joints open the legs and go through the cleansing you will never go back once you do this all the power you need is in you rite now you do not need to waste years building power activate things properly this is not in any book I nearly died from not understanding how this works energy has to flow if it cannot look at the ones from Mopai who died very sad to talk about them and more will follow because not everything activated properly the way it should this is very true 


Where did you learn this? Your take on Ming Men is quite different from the TCM understanding of it, which is basically the Kidney Yang fire. 

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With my own methods if you search YouTube on Ming men people will say to slap it to awaken it and one video I found was of an old master who shared the kundalini is in the Ming men now I’ve been playing with the root chakra trying to raise my kundalini for years only when I found out that teachers words about where the kundalini is I manged to figure out how to work it but the heart method is on Google I found that there you have to link the heart to the king men I did it and it works but I was so shocked what happened I welt from normal to super super calm and if you look on vertebra’s in the spine there’s an image that shows Ming men point with kundalini on the diagram for the Ming men’s location in the spine it ruins allot of Hindu texts as they say kundalini is in the root chakra this is not correct from my understanding but the Jade Pillow at the back of your head is where Yin and Yang gets mixed so if that’s not working you will not be able to take in Yang energy so your always cold the third eye or upper dantian is where yin energy goes into the system the Jade pillow can also be worked and that’s the zeal point chakra which you can look up it’s basically at the back of the third eye chakra but be very carful playing with the Ming men you may get a electric supprise as I did I was on the floor screaming as my leg joint snapped the electric purity’s the body and this cannot be rushed but everyone says you raise the kundalini once only this is not correct lit will fire up there is allot of wrong info out there and I want this out there share if it helps 

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47 minutes ago, Maddie said:


Where did you learn this? Your take on Ming Men is quite different from the TCM understanding of it, which is basically the Kidney Yang fire. 

Kundalini is nothing more than a mix of the lower Dantian and all its chakras if you look online for the Kuji system you will find a PDF for free that talks about an initiation to do the initiation which is intense electricity to cleanse the body it tells you to work the root the sacral the lower Dantian and solar plexus hand mudras I’ve got that PDF there exists two and the hand mudras are very powerful I always wondered about the kundalini but it’s a recipe like baking a cake when the energy is sufficient in the lower dantian it is because it has built the foundation in the root chakra the sacral the solar plexus chakra and this works like magic you will never be free from kundalini but with us who work the three Dantians of power it’s a real powerful secret that this exists the person I told you about who when soaring has all the electricity flowing through him is a world record holder Frank Willis at any one time when he’s soaring that electricity flows through him I never felt it until I worked the Ming men then I was so scared that this exists within us but be warned do this with a major yang inbalance like you cannot build Yang your always cold you will get more of it I learned all the points in the MCO and what those points actually do some mix energy so if you cannot store yang heat seek out which point is inbalance etc it’s simple but takes time to learn a book needs to be created with the correct way I’ve got hundreds of books non helped me other than me learning searching this chants are on Google for the Dantians I always was told AHHHH is the crown not the middle Dantian 

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4 minutes ago, The Duke said:

Kundalini is nothing more than a mix of the lower Dantian and all its chakras if you look online for the Kuji system you will find a PDF for free that talks about an initiation to do the initiation which is intense electricity to cleanse the body it tells you to work the root the sacral the lower Dantian and solar plexus hand mudras I’ve got that PDF there exists two and the hand mudras are very powerful I always wondered about the kundalini but it’s a recipe like baking a cake when the energy is sufficient in the lower dantian it is because it has built the foundation in the root chakra the sacral the solar plexus chakra and this works like magic you will never be free from kundalini but with us who work the three Dantians of power it’s a real powerful secret that this exists the person I told you about who when soaring has all the electricity flowing through him is a world record holder Frank Willis at any one time when he’s soaring that electricity flows through him I never felt it until I worked the Ming men then I was so scared that this exists within us but be warned do this with a major yang inbalance like you cannot build Yang your always cold you will get more of it I learned all the points in the MCO and what those points actually do some mix energy so if you cannot store yang heat seek out which point is inbalance etc it’s simple but takes time to learn a book needs to be created with the correct way I’ve got hundreds of books non helped me other than me learning searching this chants are on Google for the Dantians I always was told AHHHH is the crown not the middle Dantian 


Traditionally Kundalini is from the yogic system which states that the Kundalini is at the base of the spine.


Ming Men and Dan Tien are from TCM and are on the spine between the Kidneys and slightly under the navel respectively.


They come from two different systems. Obviously many people have wondered if there is a connection and if so what it is, but they do come from two different systems with different goals. 


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6 hours ago, Maddie said:

 they do come from two different systems with different goals. 

Only if one compare TCM with Kundalini yoga. 

If one would compare a chinese energy based meditative tradition with Kundalini yoga, the overlap might ( depending on which traditions one compares) be substantial. 


In Kundalini yoga, the energy dormant in front of the tail bone isn't fully developed, and it moves up through energetic centers that in both location and function overlap with the ldt and the Ming Men.

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Nice. A thread from the good ol bum days. 


The yoga mountain posture with hands up and focus on ming men increases jing but it is no surprise as hands up sends chi into Lao gung. Focus on ming men then sends chi into brain and gives a nice blissful feeling together with embroynic breathing qualities. 

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Also if you think about the dynamics shown in this picture, maybe neidan is not so divorced from the concept of kundalini as some like to think, considering this ‘energy’ comes from the very bottom - though it’s water not fire. 




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14 hours ago, Maddie said:


Traditionally Kundalini is from the yogic system which states that the Kundalini is at the base of the spine.


Ming Men and Dan Tien are from TCM and are on the spine between the Kidneys and slightly under the navel respectively.


They come from two different systems. Obviously many people have wondered if there is a connection and if so what it is, but they do come from two different systems with different goals. 


It was totally unexpected to me to find this info out I will try and locate some sources and post the videos where I found this out with the Ming men chakra but from what I was told by Frank the electric feeling you get is the same as kundalini the feeling but it doesn’t mean the same I was so shocked when I learned about the Ming men in tai chi about forces I didn’t even know I could influence it with chanting Ming Mennnnnn on the inhale and exhale what else I figured out is we have an earth star chakra located around 14” under the feet you work it by chanting earth starrrrrrr and if you have an abundance of chi just say my earth star spins clockwise so if you spin any chakra clockwise it increases its energy the earth star chakra is linked to the base or root chakra if you work it you can have an abundance of free energy coming up into the feet I’ve not over worked it but I read one post that said once you awaken the earth star chakra it will force all the chakras one by one to become one huge chakra linking and connecting to the soul star a few inches above the head I’ve also worked the soul star that is one chakra that is as good in my opinion as the earth star as if you spin it clockwise the energy increases it has the power to shower you in inter dimensional frequency energy it’s very powerful where all reiki healers are at with a basic activation the zeal point chakra is at the base of the skull at the back of the third eye this chakra is another favourite it pulls the kundalini up the spine it’s also called the Jade Pillow in Chinese methods and it mixes in Yang into the body so you can say zeal point chakra clockwise circling the eyes to activate it they say anticlockwise removes the blocks but they do seem to think clockwise rotations are safer my middle dantian and the jia ja work together as I linked them but there is a funny video I found where an old master was saying work the back heart chakra spin it clockwise for unlimited energy so I thought ok I will spin it clockwise at first before I realised the actual name for it I said my back heart chakra spins clockwise and kept saying it rotating the eyes clockwise and after a few hours it exploded 😂 but I found other things out you energy junkies will love the sacral chakra has a from yin and a back yang side if you say I burn away all psychic blocks in my back sacral chakra then do the same for the solar plexus the heart you get intense fire up the spine it forces the blocks to be removed but they are back the next day I never new the chakras have a front and a back since I found this when I work them I activate the back and the front then if you chant the seen mantras for the chakras the results are amazing but it’s all balance you need to watch working the chakras your far better with the Dantians the middle Dantian gives you the ability to slow and speed you the heart at will control your blood pressure when this minor chakra siddhi kicks in it’s not very nice you feel scared your going to mess your heart up and there is nothing I can find that tells you how to do certain things but I’m telling you this is easy to do and available to all of us like the heart it has multiple energy pathways left chest is known as the mother energy it’s joy in its feeling state the heart chakra the middle dantian is in the centre of the chest but the right side is know. As the father energy and the upper chest is linked into the soul star so then what I do is vary the hand position left hand on the left chest right hand on the right chest then I place my left hand on heart centre and my right on the upper chest to send the energy up to the thalamic gate straight upto the pineal gland then both hands in the heart centre one on top of the other it’s a simple as this over time working these spots gives you the ability to control your heart rate they say the left heart energy point in the left side is the pump so we have allot to work with the heart chakra middle dantian but it’s all good fun to play with the energy but the heart has to activate the king men and when you do this you will think why have I not done this before you feel super super calm then the electric fires up and your on the floor in pain that is a cleansing and the electric feeling awakens anytime it has enough mix of energy in the lower Dantian because as I figured out it’s a mix of chi water element fire solar plexus and earth energies combined giving you the vaults then in martial arts I really wouldn’t like someone to even tap me with this electric going through there body the results would be dangerous cleansing in the body but a dangerous cocktail to anyone who isn’t enlightened and that’s ultimately what the upper dantian will give you if you work it I feel so calm every day I was so agressive before working the upper dantian you could meet the person on the street who has caused you so much harm and feel nothing for him other than a deep feeling of peace it’s like the body’s cells you can influence them by saying you bless every cell in your body with enlightenment and rejuvenation and they start to regenerate this is now proven science your thoughts can change your body processes either for the better or for the worse it’s your choice to change to bless your energies with enlightenment if you look up the frequency spectrum of emotions love is a good one peace is slightly higher enlightenment is the ultimate you cannot get higher if you want the science read Dr Joe Dispenza’s book becoming supernatural look up all the testimonials that guys the only one to bridge spirituality and science and anything you want to manifest will come to you with the upper Dantian next day some days the amount of crazy stuff I’ve manifested is unbelievable but that book people have won lotteries healed themselves from stage 4 cancer cured Parkinson’s disease even people who were blind at birth once that energy makes it to the 33rd vertebra of the spine there’s only one place next it’s the optic thalamus then the pineal gland and you can say vertebra 1 energy goes there or name them with the correct names from a diagram and energy goes there cold hands talk to your hands your bones energy goes into them but it depletes your yin energy stores as the bones are yin I figured this out the hard way I had to recharge by laying on the floor I think this is where bone marrow breathing works so well but if you read the Kuji in system and you can get it free on Google that tells you you visualise a flame at the tailbone eventually you get a psychic heat coming up the spine that sets your body on fire and Greg smoke comes out the skin I’ve done this but not by visualising a foam just keep blessing the tailbone it releases the lock to allow the king heat to come now what else the PDF shares is that if you tense the muscles when this psychic heat is there the energy goes into the muscles condensed you need to read the PDF but it says if someone can lift 200lbs naturally this will get you to 600lbs combine that with bone marrow washing breathing 800lbs is possible the heat when you feel it is a fire it acts as a catalyst to open the chakras that’s what it’s for allot of fun can be had with this psychic heat if you get it to flow it increases the bio electricity of the body by as much as 60% 😂 so I work the tailbone to release the king the tailbone lock responds to Raaaaaaa there are videos for all the locks on the chakras here’s the locks in detail pasted from my notes these all work if you dare to test them hehe


Ra is the root chakra and raises the powerful life or death jing energy.
Ma is the sacral chakra and activates intuitive skills and chi energy.
Da is the solar plexus chakra and an geng energy getting rid of fear and anxiety.
The first Sa is the heart chakra developing patience and kindness.
The second Sa is the throat chakra and deals with communication skills.
Sei is the third eye brow chakra that deals with insight.
So is she going energy, the spiritual crown chakra connecting us to –
Hung that is the interpersonal chakra harmonising with universal energy.

Each part releases and manipulates a part of the spine and core, also releasing the energies connected with them and changing that part of our life, the last 3 raising the head and connecting us to heaven.

The chant has to be understood and repeated constantly until it becomes a constant positive ‘earworm’ throughout the day to have a good effect and change both our training and our lifestyle.

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5 hours ago, johndoe2012 said:

Nice. A thread from the good ol bum days. 


The yoga mountain posture with hands up and focus on ming men increases jing but it is no surprise as hands up sends chi into Lao gung. Focus on ming men then sends chi into brain and gives a nice blissful feeling together with embroynic breathing qualities. 

Another one some may find a little strange and I learned of this from the kuji in PDF from holding the power mudra my anus started to spin this is key to this I was thinking why the anus spins I read focus on the anus it spins the kundalini so I tried something and I do not recommend this for the faint heart as you will strobe the root chakra the root chakra has multiple part so I decided after GOING for a 💩 to try this in the bath and I’m not kidding this is kind of scary I placed my left hand on the perineum right hand can you guess stick a finger up your anus and rotate the finger clockwise 😂 I didn’t know at the time why I did this next thing my anus set of fire with an actual feeling like fire I kept doing it only took a few minutes then it strobes boom if you had not gone the toilet the results doing this would be very very messy haha as if you seek out Robert Bruce this is his method of raising the kundalini he didn’t say to do this his method is different but this gave me the idea to focus awareness in the anus you get an very powerful upward flow of energy do not do this in the bed I can only imagine some people will think he’s nuts the man is retarded haha try it and you will soon find out the real root chakra is the anus but there’s a lock at the tailbone area so heat will not rise until you deal with the tailbone if you look the tailbone up on Google one such post I remember is that we have the energy of the sun at the tailbone you need to learn how to release it with various methods people have literally popped there pants when they have a kundalini awakening you can just say my anus spins clockwise and it will but take the warning most of you that do meditation must of felt a mini flare at the anus it’s like a hot fire that swirls at the root chakra in the anus it has multiple part to the root chakra when you inhale prana goes down the spine to the perineum then it’s supposed to go from the perineum to the anus then the anus to the tailbone then up the spine on the root chakras image it has x4 pettals I know three of them but not the fourth I watched a video of mantak chia telling you to massage the bladder maybe that is the fourth petal I’m not sure but he says massaging the bladder can give you an orgasm so that may be a good addition to the daily practice routeen in the yoga class WooooHooo boom 💩 haha we have no idea what we have in our bodies like all the cells have radio receivers and transmitters on them why is this what’s the point are we really in our bodies or like the film the matrix are we remote but one thing you will notice is you will hear a frequency noise when all three Dantians are lining up with energy it’s as if we are a body of electric an electric machine with the only bit that is actually real are conciousness 

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7 hours ago, johndoe2012 said:

Nice. A thread from the good ol bum days. 


The yoga mountain posture with hands up and focus on ming men increases jing but it is no surprise as hands up sends chi into Lao gung. Focus on ming men then sends chi into brain and gives a nice blissful feeling together with embroynic breathing qualities. 

I’ve just tried this I didn’t know about doing that here’s what I did first I charged up reverse breathing but on the methods I place right palm on belly button area left on top this builds yang if you were wanting yin the opposite is true with left palm on belly so long as your right handed if your left handed the reverse is true after half an hour chanting on tje inhale HUNN to work the lower Dantian and Ming Mennnnnn half way through the inhalation to send chi through the lower Dantian to the Ming men I raised my hands up chanting Ming Mennnnnn on the inhale continuing the breath but to energise the Ming men you tilt the sacrum bone back on the inhale this is important to get it to send electric only 4 or 5 breaths with hands above my head the electricity started to flow around the body you do get used to it if you don’t get it and you have an abundance of chi flowing try this but not to long place your hands upper abdomen hold the breath do 5 minutes not long as you do not know what your messing with here then retry eventually and it won’t take long you will have electricity at your feet it spreads up the body and after a while you will get it spontaneously though out the day but once you have had a sufficient amount of cleansing it won’t bother you it’s here for a purpose to cleanse the body very powerfully but you will only get it when the sacral the solar plexus have enough energy within them then the lower dantian sends this mix through the Ming men around the body the first time I figured this out I will never forget that day I decided to do some breath retention on the solar plexus and lower dantian then I went into working the Ming men tilting the pelvis and boom I was on the floor nobody can touch you when this electricity is flowing or they will get a serious shock but this is comman knowledge to the skilled ones I only found this out last year and nobody is telling people correct advice they assume these centres connect automatically and they do for some and not for others it’s blocks you hold in the spine root chakras tail bone and central channel that determine if you get the automatic connections to flow and allot of us have been through so much trauma all held in the body if you listen to Dr Joe Dispenza and this is now proven science so let’s start to work this out properly you really don’t want to end up in a situation where energy doesn’t flow the spine your there packing energy into the lower dantian and it never flows out I’m sure this is why so many people who practice mopai have issues I to did Mopai and it caused me loads of issues 

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On 6/17/2024 at 3:47 PM, The Duke said:

I nearly died from not understanding how this works energy has to flow if it cannot look at the ones from Mopai who died very sad to talk about them and more will follow because not everything activated properly the way it should this is very true 


On 6/18/2024 at 10:51 AM, The Duke said:

I’m sure this is why so many people who practice mopai have issues I to did Mopai and it caused me loads of issues 




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On 18.6.2024 at 2:25 PM, johndoe2012 said:

Nice. A thread from the good ol bum days. 


The yoga mountain posture with hands up and focus on ming men increases jing but it is no surprise as hands up sends chi into Lao gung. Focus on ming men then sends chi into brain and gives a nice blissful feeling together with embroynic breathing qualities. 


Did 5 min of this just now, ended up shaking like in kunlun / yigong. 


Bliss is also similar to kunlun / yigong, probably the same circuit that gets used. 


It is hard not to smile after this practice 😊

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