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deci belle

Unity, openness, the heart's desire

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Silent still darkness is just the light itself, shining back on the source of awareness. Innocence is the silent stillness of nondiscursive observation~is this not hidden light? When "nothing isolated" has no attachment to "nothing isolated" it becomes "everything empty". This "everything empty", "nothing isolated", "before" and "after" all arrive at the result beyond time because sameness is like having no beginning. Where there is no beginning there is no such mind. Isn't this the same as Bankei's "Unborn Mind"?


Not one, other, neither, nor both! This realm is none other than the impersonal living awareness inherent in the shining mind, manifesting by virtue of reversing the light in one's own body in every-day ordinary situations. How is it possible for one to turn the flow of killing dissolution into a sea of jewels without first refining the self?



Nice! Thanks.

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