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are others real?

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So we live in a matrix. My body and the world is not real. When I reach enlightenment

I see the world as one, and I will laugh and laugh about how reality really is. Ramana Maharishi

said we never know if others are real. I think Hinduism says that life is only a dream and you have infinite potential.


I am just on the path, so I don't know how reality is, but I wonder. How real are others?


For example: I play a game with 50 participants, after a lot of praying to God and hard work I will be the winner of that game. Is this according to the law of infinity? I mean, because we are infinite we

choose parallel worlds in which we win the game instead of others (like in dreams) Applying quantum physics this could be true?? (because every one is a center of a universe) There are infinite possibilites already existent?


I don't get it. It seems that others are real, but sometimes I don't think it seems so real to me.

For example, people can predict the future. I have seen weird things happening during Tarots game.


This was an answer I got from a spiritual friend:

The world is in you. It's a projection of yourself. As you save yourself, you save the world.


Thus I think he means others are not real. But this will be a weird question for you, because either I am unreal or you are unreal or we exist in multiple universes at once?

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You can't understand the enlightened state being unenlightened. Theorizing doesn't bring enlightenment. It's best to continue on with what seems real to you at any given if other people seem real, don't doubt it. They are real, in that way. When enlightenment happens, you might "see through" that way they seemed real. But that doesn't mean it was a total illusion.


But yeah. Practice good. Conceptualizing bad. :lol:

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This was an answer I got from a spiritual friend:

The world is in you. It's a projection of yourself. As you save yourself, you save the world.


Thus I think he means others are not real. But this will be a weird question for you, because either I am unreal or you are unreal or we exist in multiple universes at once?


This is why Zendo's of old had teaching sticks, particularly for their theoretically oriented students. Masters would hold up the stick and say "I'm real, stick real, your head real" whack whack whack.


followed by:


'Look at your thumb, consider the molecules and atoms there. Do you think whole universes are contained there?


If the kid looks at his thumb and even starts to consider it, whack whack whack whack.



my 2 cents





......................Or you've written this yourself which makes it even MORE valid

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This is why Zendo's of old had teaching sticks, particularly for their theoretically oriented students. Masters would hold up the stick and say "I'm real, stick real, your head real" whack whack whack.


followed by:


'Look at your thumb, consider the molecules and atoms there. Do you think whole universes are contained there?


If the kid looks at his thumb and even starts to consider it, whack whack whack whack.

my 2 cents



......................Or you've written this yourself which makes it even MORE valid

LOL :)

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Ok thanks, but still a LOT of western scientist are trying to figure out how it works.

Holographic universe, divine matrix, god mind, etc. They have helped me somewhat

on how reality works.


But indeed, it is al Me with its spinning illusions, I just need

to practise so I could see for myself. Besides I don't want any more sticks on my head :-)

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Whatever the causes and effects, you win when you create a good world and can function well within it.







Which reminds me of a story I'm working on Lords of Gossamer which touches on the subject of what is real.

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I think we're real. It's only our idea of separateness that's unreal, and even our concept of non-duality is likely unreal. Separate and not separate. I prefer interdependent.


I cut you and you bleed, and the same for me. That's pretty real. Saying that's an illusion is bullshit. :)

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