
Peaceful Greetings!

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Hello to everyone!


I study Chinese Ch'an Buddhism, and am a lay-monk. I practice Chinese martial arts, and just wanted to share the Dao with like-minded others.


If anyone would like a free Book of Changes reading, please contact me at Send a question by email, and I will reply as soon as possible.


Than you

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Welcome to the board Shidadao.


I'd like to find out more about lay monk ship. Are you in a particular monastic order or more self created role?







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  thelerner said:

Welcome to the board Shidadao.


I'd like to find out more about lay monk ship. Are you in a particular monastic order or more self created role?





Hi there!


By and large, it is a path of 'oneness', or 'monism', that has followed on from a formal monastic experience some years ago, within Chinese Buddhism. Outside of formal training, in a secluded area, I have maintained the central role of keeping to the Dao in all things. The Vimalakirti Sutra gives me great strength and inspiration.


You might want to explore contemporary moansticism, whereby people live in the 'everyday', following the Dao. I do not know of any formal lay-monkship as such. However, the Dao knows no exception of course, and we are fine where we are!


Thank you.


PS: Zou Ch'an and Zou Wang - seated concentration and seated forgetting are 'here and now'. Good luck!

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