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I took Kap one w/ Santiago. I'd say its about getting to know the energy systems and locations of the body then starting to fire them up w/ the microcosmic orbit. There's other goodies thrown in along the way like DaMo's cave and shamanistic practices.


I think Kap II, which I haven't taken is about putting more pedal to the metal and applying high octane sexual energy to the mix. Through just Kap 1, I haven't attained kundalini, nor did expect to. I'm consider myself somewhat energy insensitive, but I have gotten a stronger feeling for the microcosmic orbit.


Just today for example, I heard the Chew, Chew chew sound of a cardinal, but I couldn't find it. One of the shamanistic things I picked up from the classes was creating a purple bat at my throat whose wings go up to my ears. By visualizing that I was able to locate the bird immediately. When I want to get a sense of whats behind me, I'll also use it.


I picked up useful routines and insights from the KAP 1, but I don't think its a 12 week $300 course to Kundalini, thats expecting too much from it, though you never know :) There's always Kap 2.



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I didn't do KAP but I got a transmission from Glenn. Personally I have no complaints in terms of energy or amount of fireworks, but I later came to prefer the Bardon practice. NW

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I joined KAP1 out of desperation, having bad Kundalini syndrome. I would say that KAP gave me an understanding of what was happening to me, and a structure that made everything a lot more fun. I would say that there is enough in KAP1 to keep you busy for at least 6 months to a year. Level 1 is like learning to drive and getting to know all the bits of your car, KAP2 is like the turbo sports upgrade pack. There is a lot in level 2, enough to keep you busy for at least another year. I found that learning a new practice every week can feel a bit intense at times. Maybe I'm a slow learner. It takes me at least a week to find how the practice works best for me.


Regards Kundalini, I can only say about the level1 group that I was in. By then end, everyone could feel, and had kundalini moving in them to a greater or lesser degree. However, that's not to say that everyone had kundalini moving constantly, unrestricted through them on all levels.


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So. To me the belly breathing aspect is difficult as well. I assume I need some deep tissue massage here in order to loosen it all up... due to the Gallbladder Stones there's been a chronic inflammation going on with all the internal results one can have... stiffening of diaphragm, shoulder tenseion etc. So. If there is a physical issue that makes the breathing hard to do that got to be worked on first.


Then. It was said that the awakening of Kundalini will actually start with the last seminar been taken. From then on count up to 90 days? or more...


There are a few things going on... but I can't really share what it is, as I don't know what it is.


My "weirdest" experience was that I was missing about every "transmission" / energy clearing session. Either I woke up too late at night, or my computer went off and I feel asleep not realizing it or or or...


One time I jumped up 5 minutes before the session ended, locked in, Tao sent a short message I shall play a song on youtube... found the song but did not hear a sound (as the session finished I realized a headphone was plugged in) and while messing around with the computer I still clearly felt some energy like feeling doing something in my head... this likely was no placebo as I was not in any kind of ceoncentration, meditative like or whatever focus or position.


another session I did not feel much


so. Continue to practice each day and clearly feel some kind of warm-like current in the MCO pathway...


whatever that means then


with smiles



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You know these replies confirm some of the thoughts I had about Glenn's path. He was such a loose guy partly because he had wonderful good fate, everything just worked.


To say it outright, all of the energy difficulties people have w/ KAP would be solved if they worked on their personalities first. The same is probably true of any other method that produces unforeseen awkardness and/or and discomfiting side effects on those who who haven't enquired who exactly this person is.


I've been re-reading 'Path Notes', inspired by some KAPers, and it's still one of the best books on spiritual development ever. A master, no doubt. But he was not someone who spelled things out. He left it for you to find and most don't know how; I didn't. I can see what he was about much more now but at the time I missed everything because his chosen style of teaching was not plain and clear the way Bardon's is.


At one point he says:


My experience and observations lead me to assert that you should clean up your act before seriously starting the meditative process.


Well it's true. But it's just one sentence and you can ignore it; in practice Glenn did ignore it, meaning he didn't insist on it -- if you thought you were ready he took your word for it, but I wasn't adult enough nine years ago to have my word count. I knew squat.


What in Glenn's work is a single remark thrown out liberally becomes in Bardon's a whole step to either complete or falter on. I personally needed that toughness to sort it out and I think many might be similar. You have to really go for it. Cleansing the psyche: that's the secret, that and nothing else. There are alot of good methods, and I hope to provide more one day... but you'll find your own. The point is, it really works and it makes everything else work.


All best wishes,



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Cleansing the psyche: that's the secret, that and nothing else.




100% right.

Edited by cat

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cat -- I knew you understood, from your recent posts about Kunlun. :) I just quoted a chunk of Glenn in Lino's thread which you might like...


mal --


I failed at the black & white mirrors of the soul several times


I'm working really hard on a system for exactly this kind of issue. The methods Bardon gives can be augmented. I am very instinctive in how I discover these things but I am now trying to systematize. My goal long-term is to get people going on Bardon from a different perspective, more flowing... believe me it can be done. What Glenn taught combines well with Bardon, but everything else on the western 'high magic' trail, eg. Golden Dawn, has somehow never interested me at all.


One of the secrets to combining this stuff is a combination of Rawn's 'Archaeous' with the Frantzis technique of dissolving. Right now I am here just tootling around for company and absorbing what's around with you all you people but one day I want to get more people's minds running on these methods if they turn out to be interested.


Path notes is a great read, but there are parts of KAP that are an oral tradition and of course having a teacher to talk to is a great help.


Well the teachers who are around now seem like good people.


I can say that if you had Glenn to confer with you were still basically on your own, and he admitted as much. He thought it was good for you. I helped organize Glenn seminars in London, sold some of his books, and interviewed him -- got plenty of oral transmission, but unfortunately it turned out that to get wisdom that way you need to be able to take a hint, which at the time, I couldn't. :)


All best wishes,



Edited by NeutralWire

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I did not feel a transmission and I could not do the breathing. KAP 1 Santiago.



hmm? That is unfortunate. PM me the problem i will help u.



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cat --


Yes, great piece from Glenn, thankyou. I also have read his books and love him to bits, though I never met him while he was in the body.


Oh I didn't realize you'd read him already... still few dislike being reminded of Glenn as you say.


So you have revealed that you have an agenda!


A wish, even a plan... hopefully a clue. But 'agenda' sounds a bit like I'm running for political office.


The 'agenda' is just really, Bardon is cool and could be easier, if you look at it differently and combine it with other stuff. It still needs commitment but the sense of discovery and flow can be emphasized which changes the vibe and might make more people go further with that practice.


I am interested. Though I know nothing about Bardon or Golden Dawn stuffs at all.


Well on Golden Dawn, neither do I. To me that's completely different. We'll see on the rest.


Here's to Glenn... hey BTW, do people doing KAP get spiders popping around? When I activate Glenn's stuff they still come running.



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You know these replies confirm some of the thoughts I had about Glenn's path. He was such a loose guy partly because he had wonderful good fate, everything just worked.


To say it outright, all of the energy difficulties people have w/ KAP would be solved if they worked on their personalities first. The same is probably true of any other method that produces unforeseen awkardness and/or and discomfiting side effects on those who who haven't enquired who exactly this person is.


I've been re-reading 'Path Notes', inspired by some KAPers, and it's still one of the best books on spiritual development ever. A master, no doubt. But he was not someone who spelled things out. He left it for you to find and most don't know how; I didn't. I can see what he was about much more now but at the time I missed everything because his chosen style of teaching was not plain and clear the way Bardon's is.


At one point he says:

Well it's true. But it's just one sentence and you can ignore it; in practice Glenn did ignore it, meaning he didn't insist on it -- if you thought you were ready he took your word for it, but I wasn't adult enough nine years ago to have my word count. I knew squat.


What in Glenn's work is a single remark thrown out liberally becomes in Bardon's a whole step to either complete or falter on. I personally needed that toughness to sort it out and I think many might be similar. You have to really go for it. Cleansing the psyche: that's the secret, that and nothing else. There are alot of good methods, and I hope to provide more one day... but you'll find your own. The point is, it really works and it makes everything else work.


All best wishes,





Glenn let you do what you wanted to do. Some got some didn't. He was a NINJA so he wasn't going to hand it to you. You had to probe explore and ask the right questions.



All can be achieved in doing the Secret Smile properly + Understanding the GODAI + the breathing.


I had no issues with Kap when i went through but i also practices 1 to 4 hours sometimes 8 hours a day.

Although truth be told i have students that have done it with just 20 to 30 min 2x a day.


Neutral wire how manytimes did you do KAP with Glenn? I saw him teach KAP probably over 10 x and each time there was a "new" piece or understanding.


There is NO way in a 2 day period he would Impart EVERYTHING to you. Its just impossible.


I try and I can't :)


If people are not having success they have to analyze how they practice. Glenn, Tao Semko, Rob Williams, Myself and my students that have gone through Kundalini all had one thing in common.


1) the WANT to do it no matter what was in store for you even if you died.


2) Practice Practice Practice till its normal every day stuff.


3) Surrender ego to the Earth/Shakti & Universe/Multiverse (Creator)


4) Strive to help others. When you are determined to do so you are imparted with more energy /Shakti to do that more so than you would ever have if you just sought things for yourself alone.


5)Karma, Divine Grace


When it HITS it comes on its own. All the practices just prepare one for it.


If one is doing the practices it will be a much smoother transition.


I could see how Bardon would be easier to use since there is Books laid out for you but you do not have Bardon to guide you unless ofcourse you know how to access him.



I have done my homework to find that things came to Glenn Naturally (Direct Knowledge was one of his gifts after Kundalini) what we do in Kap is no different than what is done in good Kundalini methods found in Chi Kung Nei Kung, Sufi Ilmu Kebatinan/Indonesian Tenaga Dalam, Tummo/TrulKhor, & Tantra Yoga. Since I know those things it is much easier to refine things for people and make it easier. Its nice to know how things fit as well.


What I see in people who fail is


1) laziness

2) not following simple instructions

3) not emptying their cup so they get KAP methods and then only spend 10 min on them and then still do what ever they thing is working for them (The spend YEARS like this).

4) Ego or quest for Power


Transmissions and Shaktipat work BUT you still have to do the work.


There are no shortcuts.


There are "boosts" but one must do the climbing as well.







cat --

Oh I didn't realize you'd read him already... still few dislike being reminded of Glenn as you say.

A wish, even a plan... hopefully a clue. But 'agenda' sounds a bit like I'm running for political office.


The 'agenda' is just really, Bardon is cool and could be easier, if you look at it differently and combine it with other stuff. It still needs commitment but the sense of discovery and flow can be emphasized which changes the vibe and might make more people go further with that practice.

Well on Golden Dawn, neither do I. To me that's completely different. We'll see on the rest.


Here's to Glenn... hey BTW, do people doing KAP get spiders popping around? When I activate Glenn's stuff they still come running.





Spiders everywhere : )

Edited by Vajrasattva

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Santiago I'm very happy to see you contributing to this particular thread.


First off: you were much more dedicated than I was when I began; I think I've made that clear and that is one of the reasons you succeeded right off and I didn't. And second off: none of this is intended as a criticism of Glenn's method for which I still have every respect.


With a method this good though, an honest request for people to come forward and say straight out, yes, I had full kundalini with KAP alone, no other methods, could bring more people out. Not that those people don't exist of course, but they don't flood out and rush to commend; there aren't as many as there could be.




To me the level of dedication you yourself have shown isn't something everyone else shows. To me you have the sound of a man who met Glenn when you were ready... but if you aren't ready, how do you get ready?


In the old days you'd be sweeping the temple and making the tea for old guys quite a few years. That'll sort out the undedicated! The bold cry in the new age is, those days are gone. Now we're ready for the straight stuff.


Well are we?


You mention that people shouldn't be lazy, that they should serve others, that they should empty their cups and not seek power, you mention eight-hour meditation sessions and an extra helping of karma/divine grace on top.


My point to you is simply this: some people aren't in a place where they can give that yet. First they need to look in their souls. If you look at yourself and go, "I'm not the human being I ought to be", are you ready to meet the gods? :) Let's at least consider the idea: maybe not.



These requirements exist. You're saying, a good method doesn't equal a free ride and how true is that! But some people have no respect and I know because I was definitely one of them for a long time. There are plenty of people in the world who like the idea of being 'enlightened' but they are lazy, they don't serve others, they don't empty their cups, they do seek power, they won't put in the work, and their divine grace stash is rapidly emptying out with no further payments going in.


What happens when you hand an enlightenment method to someone like that? Not really a lot.


I know. I know because a decade ago that was me. People really should know, when they begin, that it's going to take a lot, and they should be prepared to give a lot. But they might not be. It depends how they've lived their lives up until that point. That's why, once upon a time, these methods were for star students only. These days our baseline humanity is higher, but people have to be prepared to really live -- if they're not, some preparation might be in order. Because like you say, these aren't things you learn in a weekend.


People here are mostly ahead of where I was when I met Glenn, no question. But being so behind caused me to do more work in order to catch up; what I'm doing here is just trying to give the fruits of what I learned.


That's why I'm saying Bardon's method might have something for people to consider, in terms of cleaning your soul right away before everything else, and getting dedicated first. Just that one idea. Something to play with. Add it onto the front of any other practice.


Glenn says 'Oh by the way clean up your act first' -- Bardon won't give you anything until you have already completely cleaned it up, and if you're dedicated enough to do that, your potential and your divine grace levels have just expanded dramatically. Then you will do the work!


I think KAP should still be taught exactly as it's being taught and I think it will work for some. But many will stop at awkward points for lack of self-knowledge. In the end, what I'm saying is that self-knowledge is going to make the difference between getting it and not getting it.


So I repeat:


Cleansing the psyche: that's the secret, that and nothing else.


Some people are close enough to being clean inside anyway that they're ready to push; others have more to do first IMHO. They can all do kundalini, but the success ratio is going to coincide with that all-important level of self-knowledge. I really think this the law of cosmos we find ourselves in.



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All can be achieved in doing the Secret Smile properly + Understanding the GODAI + the breathing.


I had no issues with Kap when i went through but i also practices 1 to 4 hours sometimes 8 hours a day.

Although truth be told i have students that have done it with just 20 to 30 min 2x a day.

I forgot, what is GODAI again?


Anyways, I haven't been able to practice KAP much since my workshop because of limited time with a full-time job, doing some deep housecleaning and being sidetracked for the last half year or so with a lot of detoxing...very likely brought on by Kunlun, KAP and/or just a planetary shift.


From what I've seen though, this all seems to be part of a typical "universal" process of ascension:


1) HOOK - After years of seeking, you finally get your first real openings or awakenings. These spiritual peep shows give you an enticing glimpse of "the beyond" to "hook" you in. Sort of some "old beginner's" luck to get you going and put some conventional doubts to rest.

2) HONEYMOON - You enjoy a honeymoon period of maybe ~8 months of easy, constant progress...almost "too easy" :lol:

3) HOUSECLEANING - Meanwhile, you may start emotional and karmic purging. Eventually, this may manifest physically as health problems (tapas) or "adverse" life events, tests & lessons. Phases of fear and despair may arise as all your hot buttons get pushed. This stage can easily last ~6 months and can catch you off guard if you are not expecting it. But it is something you still need to deal proactively with - as I'm not sure that they are always necessarily self-correcting and couldn't become serious problems otherwise. :huh:


I think the point is that your house must be clean for higher spirit to inhabit it. So, empty your cup, empty your stomach & clean off your plate before having your next meal.



Right now, I feel like I am finishing up stage 3, and hopefully step 4 will be resuming progress with more space (in life, body & home) cleared up for some dedicated practice. Maybe step 5 will then be a more permanent, sustained breakthrough (paradigm shift in frequency)...but dunno yet? :D


I knew upfront that I'd have to clean many things off my life plate first before I had more free time and energy though - so I realistically wasn't expecting immediate progress...



Otherwise, last weekend I did "see" a slate blue coiled snake at my root during meditation...if that means anything?

Edited by vortex

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I think KAP should still be taught exactly as it's being taught and I think it will work for some. But many will stop at awkward points for lack of self-knowledge. In the end, what I'm saying is that self-knowledge is going to make the difference between getting it and not getting it.




Well Kap has "Changed a bit over the years it has become more "smooth" and also has a lot more to take home so you


1) do not fuck yourself up


2) Get more out of the practices


3) Have higher chance of success


4) have good foundation for understanding all types of energy work.


It really at this point is the best Glenn had to offer back then, what he offers now (I am i constant connection with him as is Tao Semko & Rob Williams ....some folks should have done their homework with Deity Yoga & Avishkara Yoga. Glenn always pops in an tweeks with new things even he is learning now on other planes. ) And what i brought to the table and refined from Umaa Tantra, Bon po, Trul Khor, Tummo, Other Taoist practices, Ilmu Kebatinan/Tenaga Dalam. Also we have the blessings of Soke Glenn, My Nyingma Lama, Bonpo Lama, Venezuelan Shaman (La Abuela), Pak Muhammad Guru Ipin, & Sheik Nazim. So its pretty Complete and "supported" on many levels. I think Glenn was like a "Bruce Lee" in terms of energy paths ( M.Lerner also mentioned this). Glenn Streamlined it and made it work for him. I came in and refined analyzed the pieces and found their roots, strengthened and re linked. Why? Cause we are modern people & Its not the time to sit in a Monastery 40+ years and get no where. Glenn asked me to learn more and enhance so I did.


"Santiago Dobles and Tao Semko of Umaa Tantra have been my friends and guinea pigs for integrating chi kung and yoga into an even faster path to enlightenment that I was teaching in the first Kundalini Awakening program." - Dr. Morris



Interms of "prepared" Sure it helps if you have already walked the path a bit in some form or another.


But if you are a "virgin" you will still benefit and may have success. Its possible I have seen it happen to some of my students.


I was at the time of meeting Glenn in a PEAK with Tantric Yoga & Sexual practices. My normal day was 4 hours of Tantric love making and standing on my head 30 min to 1 hr daily along with 2 hours of asanas and Kriyas daily + Martial arts.


I know that helped. And I am sure that is why he picked Tao and I to pass this stuff on and enhance it.


I have seen it work on folks with zero experience too. Its all about what you put in to it.


You want maintanance? 10 - 30 min a day


You want Results double or triple that


You want Serious stuff happening? 30 min a day 4 to 8x a day.


But That may come with repercussions (Everything has a price :) )


When I was doing 4 hours of Kap a day I was SHAKING violently & Vigorously like minor orgasmic seizures (feels great but if you do not know what's going on or do not have the right guide it can be very scary!) literally making computers go crazy, light bulbs blow out, car alarms go off, cell phones die, ripping off car door handles & Door nobs by just simply opening doors to what i thought was "gently". Reaching for glasses in dishwasher and they shatter etc, If I hit people or lightly touch they would bruise. In some cases waving hands around them in training they get nausea or ill. Also folks get "High" around you. So you have to be VERY CAREFUL.

Once you balance and root things get smoother and you can do this stuff all day.


I have had students that PUSHED to hard and "fried".


One student of mine melted his KEY in his door as he went to open it.


Another fried his computers at work.


Also have had students that PASS OUT or got sick.


So we Implemented Safety.



2) CONSTANT focus on Health & Positive aspect of each 5 elements & Chakra


4) Constant Connection root to Universe/Divine/Non Conceptual Mind (It doesn't matter your "Faith" but the Supreme 1 behind and with in all things).


It "Ain't" about power its about Enlightenment, Balance, Health Moderation & service to others. The power comes on its own.



KAP resonates with some especially the brave and the ones that are willing to do the work.


Hope this helps,



Edited by Vajrasattva

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I am i constant connection with him


Yes I got that as soon as I replied to you; he's still playing and he's still as lovely as ever. :)


But if you are a "virgin" you will still benefit and may have success. Its possible I have seen it happen to some of my students.


Yes it's possible, but my point is how do you make it certain?


KAP resonates with some especially the brave and the ones that are willing to do the work.


And how do you turn the cowards into brave ones?


And how do you turn the lazy ones into hardworking ones?


Everyone can do this. Everyone is actually brave and everyone is actually willing to do the work.


How do you get them to realize it?



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Hi NeutralWire,

Yes it's possible, but my point is how do you make it certain?


I think it was said by the Buddha "Nothing in life is certain except that death is not partial". There will never be a "certain" way that awakens the kundalini energy in everyone. There are just as many paths as there are practitioners, and we all have different karmic obstructions, but all paths eventually end up at the same end point...union with Source. Nothing is necessary except desire for liberation. Not even kundalini awakening.



Carson :D

Edited by CarsonZi

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I attended one of Glenn's workshops back in 2005 so that was my first real experience with REAL energy. Many advanced people there... I was floating by the end.


Been practicing qi gong and yoga since then, joined Santiago's KAP level 1 in Oct/08 after I had already dedicated myself to doing some of Glenn's practices daily since Sep/08.


I can honestly say that by the time I had been a good month into KAP, I was feeling like a different person (in a good way). Santiago's transmissions to me were loud and strong and the practices felt like they were actually doing something. Since then, I've noticed that I'm MUCH more sensitive to energy, more intuitive, generally happier, and sex has been out of this world! Santiago has been one of the most sincere, generous, and powerful teachers I have come across and I am very grateful to be working with him. But I think all of that is obvious to anyone open enough..


I honestly haven't been too good with my practices since coming back from a Vipassana retreat but I'm signed up for KAP 2 and can't wait to get started.


There's no guarantee with kundalini... to me much progress in this life has much to do with what you ALREADY have accomplished in previous lifetimes. I haven't gone through it yet this time around but some weird things have started..






I respect and admire Santiago Dobles, his mentor Glenn Morris, and his colleagues. Had I not gone down the path I have, I would have taken a seminar with Santi - and perhaps I will in the future :).


I know that a number of Taobums have taken the K.A.P. seminar or have taken the K.A.P. distance learning course. Out of curiosity I've been wondering what the successes have been with respect to kundalini awakening.


I know Mal posts his progress in his journal (which I faithfully read), but I'm curious about the results overall, because based on what I know, it looks like it would be a successful practice.


So - if you have first-hand experience with K.A.P. and you feel so inclined, please post your view/review of K.A.P.


Peace and love and acceptance to all.


Michael :)

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Depending on what you mean by psyche, I may not agree with this. The personality is like the surface of a planet. There are peaks and valleys, forests and rivers. But the true stuff is formed deep, deep down inside. People who spend time on psychology will only rearrange the furniture on the surface. In order to get down deep, you need to go to the core. One can make a nice, colorful prison for oneself, but fundamentally, it is still a prison.


Cleansing the psyche: that's the secret, that and nothing else. There are alot of good methods, and I hope to provide more one day... but you'll find your own. The point is, it really works and it makes everything else work.


I agree with what Santiago has said here--- he is confirming many of my secret suspicions. My KAP practice in minimal (@ 1 hour a day, plus stolen time here and there), yet I have had a lot of kriyas, trembling, increased vigor, etc. I have also had many breakthroughs in my mindfulness meditation practice. I would also add that so far, what happens also depends on how much mental concentration/relaxation I can bring to bear.


For Santiago--- I wonder, if you want to juice up the practice but the only time left to cut out is sleep, are there any practices for that?




Have you been liberated?


Nothing is necessary except desire for liberation. Not even kundalini awakening.



Carson :D

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