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The closest I ever got to Marley's style of music was Harry Belafonte and the Kingston Trio.


This afternoon I switched to early 1960s music.  You know, the Beach Boys, etc.

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The closest I ever got to Marley's style of music was Harry Belafonte and the Kingston Trio.


This afternoon I switched to early 1960s music.  You know, the Beach Boys, etc.


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Jack White - Not bad for the style of music.


I guess I'll mention this here now:


Bluegrass is one of the styles I listen to and have a pretty good collection of.  The other night I watched a documentary on PBS about Czechgrass music.  This is basically Bluegrass music adopted by the Czech people.  Seems that at the end of WWI some Czechs started listening to American Forces radio and fell in love with Bluegrass and "old Time" music, especially the banjo.


The music style had become very popular throughout the Czech Republic.


And while watching the documentary I was reminded that there is a style of Tejano (Tex-Mex) music called Czech-Mex.  If my memory serves me well, it is most popular around the San Antone area where there are a large number of Czech people who migrated to the US over the years.  The music is basically Tex-Mex but with brass instruments and the accordion played more in the traditional Czech style.


Anyhow, that's my music history lesson for the day.

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I was born in the home of bluegrass.  Moved back about a few decades ago.  Im not a fan of most of it.  In the backwoods, some of the oldtimers and their kin play it in a way you can still hear the celtic roots.  That stuff is really interesting, but im mostly a city slicker when it comes to music.  In other things, not so much.




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That video was too dark for me.  Black Sabbath is as dark as I can go.

 In the backwoods, some of the oldtimers and their kin play it in a way you can still hear the celtic roots.

Yes, I think what you are speaking to here is what is normally considered "Old Time" music.  That is, before Bluegrass music.  There are still some groups who play this style that make the festival rounds.

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