
Just Be Happy

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I wrote an article over a year ago on Finding Inner Peace which, now that I think about it, I should have named 'How To Be Happy'. Here's the link to the full article if you want to read that:


My main point is that happiness is something that comes from within. You can choose or learn to put certain conditions on your happiness, so that you'll only allow yourself to be happy if X, Y, and Z are present. You can also just choose to be happy, regardless of what happens. It's all up to you. In the end it's your choice whether you want to be in the experience of happiness or whether you want to hold on to the experience of misery.


Happiness is a choice. Sadness is a choice. Which do you choose?

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I liked this.


I'm there with you.


Happy to me equates with peace. Because there are all those other states of being that I used to equate with being happy when I was younger, like euporia, elation, a rush of adrenaline, romantic crushes, or drug highs




now I know that was more about neurochemistry than anything : )

Now for me happy = I am alive and I am living life consciously. Emotions do their thing, but happiness = some space inside me carved out by 10 years of Buddhist meditation practice - which I wouldn't have to even do if I was a tree instead of a human.


xo J.

This is so adorable I love it. But somtimes I wonder, maybe trees and animals do feel unhappy somtimes?? I mean animals can get depressed, or do you think it has to do with being around us, trapping them in cages?


Recently I was discussing with a few men about happiness, and I said how I felt children are happier most of the time than adults because we are so focused on so many things and usually cant learn to live in the moment. They somehow convinced me I am wrong and thats why I am so glad I read this article because I remember that again. Simplicity.


Also, I was feeling quite bad yesterday, I was at a conference and everyone seemed so wise and smart, older and more sofisticated with their fancy clothing and bitchy attitudes. Reading these messages made me feel better, and I stopped thinking so many depressing thoughts. Somtimes, even the best of us need to remember to slow down and just be happy. Thank you. :)

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