
Everyone post some favorite quotes!

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For infallible guidance man has to have a perfectly innocent heart incapable of evil. ~ Mahatma Gandhi


The Divine Radio is always singing if we could only make ourselves ready to listen to it, but is impossible to listen without silence. ~ Mahatma Gandhi


Modern civilization has taught us to convert night into day and golden silence into brazen din and noise. ~ Mahatma Gandhi


There are subjects where reason cannot take us far and we have to accept things on faith. Faith then does not contradict reason but transcends it. Faith is a kind of sixth sense which works in cases which are without the purview of reason. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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Our intuition or wisdom has all the answers we need. So we just need to listen to it. But often we discriminate things based on beliefs created by society, people’s opinions or acquired information. Our innate wisdom which we call the inner voice or intuition always knows what is right for us. It constantly guides us in the right direction, and all we need to do is to learn to listen to it. ~ Brahmakumaris


Let us spend a few minutes with ourselves on a daily basis. Meditation and spiritual study silences our noisy minds and activate our intuition. You have all the answers within, tap into that wisdom to make every choice and decision. ~ Brahmakumaris


When you listen more to your intuition, you will also master the art of silencing your mind, thereby controlling your thoughts better. ~ Brahmakumaris

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your expectations are not my obligations 


Edited by Cobie
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Only in the depth of pure silence can we hear God's voice.” ~ Mata Amritanandamayi


In the depths of silence, we hear the whispers of our soul and the wisdom of the universe.” ~ Mata Amritanandamayi


“The whispers of intuition guide us towards the path aligned with our soul’s purpose. Trust its gentle guidance and let it lead you to your true calling.”~ Mata Amritanandamayi


Once we realize the silence within, our lives will no longer be guided by conflicting thoughts. Rather, we will develop an intuitive mind that will enable us to take the right decisions at the right time with the right understanding.~ Swami Amritaswarupananda

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Everyone needs to know that they have a guru, and that this guru is the Source of all the answers they need, to navigate this process of living. They need to know that this guru is the AntarAatman or Soul or Source that resides within them, and they need to know how to listen to the answers from Source. ~ Maharishika Preeti



In very truth the Guru dwells within, and unless you discover the inner Guru, nothing can be achieved. ~ Anandamayi Ma


"You have to be your own Guru. You must reach that point from where you guide yourself in such a way that the guiding lines become part of you."~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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“When you don't pay attention to your intuition, or go against it, you may find that you feel a certain heaviness, lack of energy, a kind of deadness. This is because the life force is trying to come through and move you in a certain way, and it is being blocked.” ~ Shakti Gawain



The more you come in contact with the inner silence, the inner emptiness, the more you have access to your intuition. Silence is the nourishment for intuition.


If something increases your love, joy and silence, it is the criterion that it is the right path for you. If something decreases your love, joy and silence, it is a sign that you are on the wrong path. ~ Swami Dhyan Giten

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One of the things that happens as we learn to go into silence in meditation is that we learn to hear our inner voice. This inner voice should be so beautiful that we should be able to hear it easily. It is only when we are in dead silence that we are able to properly listen to the inner voice within our heart and in our mind.


In ordinary silence, thoughts come and go. They intervene and our attention can be easily distracted. But in dead silence we have the feeling that “I, the soul, am separate from the body and beyond.” It is when we are in dead silence and listening to our inner voice in this way that our words and actions become wonderful. Make time to move into dead silence and listen to your inner voice and your words and actions will be filled with wonder. ~ Dadi Janki (Brahmakumaris)

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Ajay0 said:

… I, the soul, am separate from the body and beyond. 



I like your signature :)
“Wholesome virtuous behavior progressively leads to the foremost.~ Buddha AN 10.1”


道德經 dao4 de2 jing1 - The Way of Virtue. 


Edited by Cobie
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"There is a God part in you. The consciousness. The pure Self. Learn to listen the voice of that Power.” ~ Amit Ray


Beneath the surface level of conditioned thinking in every one of us there is a single living spirit. The still small voice whispering to me in the depths of my consciousness is saying exactly the same thing as the voice whispering to you in your consciousness. 'I want an earth that is healthy, a world at peace, and a heart filled with love.' It doesn't matter if your skin is brown or white or black, or whether you speak English, Japanese, or Malayalam - the voice, says the Gita, is the same in every creature, and it comes from your true Self. ~ Eknath Easwaran


We have no need to teach pure motives to the mind. All that is necessary to make the mind pure is to undo the negative conditioning to which it has been subjected; then we will be left with Pure, Unconditioned Awareness. ~ Eknath Easwaran

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And everyone who wills can hear the Voice. It is within every one. But like everything else it requires previous and definite preparation. ~ Mahatma Gandhi


The inner voice is something which cannot be described in words. But sometimes we have a positive feeling that something in us prompts us to do a certain thing. The time when I learnt to recognize this voice was, I may say, the time when I started praying regularly. ~ Mahatma Gandhi


Presently we have to train our unconscious to function better. Then we can depend upon our instincts, that will be noble instincts. At this moment, our instincts are very impure. When we have practiced for a long time, living the higher values of life and following the instructions of great masters or the Scriptures, that is when you have trained your unconscious. Then when a situation comes, you can to an extent, depend on your inner voice. ~ Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati


The word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words man, ("to think") and tra ("tool'). So the literal translation is "a tool of thought." And that's how mantras are used in Buddhist and Hindu practices, as tools that clear your mind of distractions. Because when you focus on repeating that mantra over and over again, soon the noise will die down and all you will hear is your inner voice. ~ Russell Simmons

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“What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other’s folly – that is the first law of nature.” —Voltaire

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Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.


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Somewhere, right at the bottom of one’s own being, one generally does know where one should go and what one should do. But there are times when the clown we call “I” behaves in such a distracting fashion that the inner voice cannot make its presence felt. ~ Carl Jung


The ego constantly competes with the spirit for control over your inner voice. ~ Darren Johnson


“When many voices are speaking at once, listen to the one most quiet and gentle. That’s the one worth listening to. ~ Miranda Linda Weisz

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“Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path of duty. Performance of duty and observance of morality are convertible terms. To observe morality is to attain mastery over our mind and passions. So doing, we know ourselves.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi


“Wilfulness is not conscience. . . . Conscience is the ripe fruit of strictest discipline. . . . Conscience can reside only in a delicately tuned breast.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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The purpose of damned if you do and damned if you don't is to make damn sure that you're damned. -- Jordan Peterson

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There is a Light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the Light that shines in your heart.


Chandogya Upanishad




Photo: the anahata chakra.


Edited by Giles
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With repeated practice of meditation, the expanse of the visible universe with all its qualities dissolves to where there is only fullness and great joy.


- Lal Ded -

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The foundation of the true joy is in the conscience. ~ Seneca


“There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen.” ~ Jallalludin Rumi

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