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White Ribbon Day-National Day to Stop Men's Violence Against Women.

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Today is White Ribbon Day!


In Australia,all women should live in safety,free from all forms of men's violence.

Sadly this is not the case.On average,more than one woman per week is killed by a current or former partner.This deeply disturbing fact is only one tragic part of the bigger part of the bigger story surrounding domestic violence.


The Australian community is uniting to focus on stopping th Scourge of Domestic Violence.


White Ribbon,now in it's 12th year,asks Australians to take a stand today to end mens violence

against women.


This campaign focuses on the positive role men can play to influence the action of those few men who use violence,and break the cycle of violence in society.


See for more infomation.


This was an email recieved from a colleage.



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Women should be free from all violence / threats of violence every single day, whether that's from men or not.

Unfortunately many mothers suffer from bullying by their children also.


It would be a lot better if violence, in all its forms was completely eradicated.

But perhaps we're not evolved enough as a Species.


But bringing the subject of Domestic Violence to everyone's attention, is probably a good start.


Haven't heard of this day in the UK.

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I was going to put in a flip obnoxious post like.. 'I agree, today I won't hit any woman', but it's too serious problem. 


As far as I can tell the only long term answer is parents teaching there children, not to give abusers a second chance.  Once they see a sign of mental or physical nastiness leave the relationship, leave it early, leave it completely.  Do not give abusers chance after chance.  Do not assume they'll change, blame it on circumstances, or get caught up in a manic cycle of abuse then gifts/tenderness. 

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Huh. That's interesting, there is an actual day for it in AUS.


What are the stats on men's death by current/former mates, just out of curiosity?


I only ask because I'm 50 now and I have known far more men abused by women (physically) than the other way around in my life. Which seems odd until you consider they begin in a position of legal and social helplessness since if they complain they're a weak whiner and if he even bruises her while trying to hold her to defend himself then he's the assailant.


Of course, when it comes to actually killing someone, I don't doubt the stats are hugely skewed toward men being the aggressors there. Not only because they probably mostly are, but because women, outside of momentary rage, are by nature more patient. ("Those black eyed peas tasted alright to me, Earl!") Less likely for the results to seem non-accidental to make the stats.


With rare exceptions I have not seen a person who had an even barely decent childhood turn out to be the kind of person who'd beat their mate let alone kill them. I think cultural dissolution and profound issues with child rearing have a lot to account for in our world.

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What are the stats on men's death by current/former mates, just out of curiosity?


I only ask because I'm 50 now and I have known far more men abused by women (physically) than the other way around in my life. Which seems odd until you consider they begin in a position of legal and social helplessness since if they complain they're a weak whiner and if he even bruises her while trying to hold her to defend himself then he's the assailant.

Well, what you have perceived, is in fact the reality. Contrary to popcult feminist agitprop, women are actually more often the abusers in domestic violence - than men.

in committing acts of domestic violence, more women than men (25 percent versus 11 percent) were responsible. In fact, in the 71 percent of nonreciprocal partner violence instances, the instigator was the woman. This flies in the face of the long-held belief that female aggression in a relationship is most often predicated on self-defense.

analyses demonstrate that men and women exhibit roughly equal rates of violence within relationships; some studies hint that women's rates of physical aggression are slightly higher. This apparent equality is not solely a result of women fighting back, because it holds even for altercations that women start.

But boring facts can't compete with these festive, ribbon-worthy holidays designed to further perpetuate the propaganda amongst the mindless masses! Only a heartless grinch would debunk Santa!!


Thing is most Looney Boomers hate their (White) fathers...and so have projected their teen angst onto the world at large with their immature identity politics. All of which basically boil down to...hating their Daddies, lol! Waahhhhh... :lol:

Edited by gendao
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It is anger,rage,vindictiveness,and bloody mindness,add to that emotional instability and mental illness.


Who can say what motivates someone to act murderous towards a once loving partner.


There is genuine hurt felt by all parties involved,especially children,there are no winners just possible outcomes.


Ending a long term relationship is stressful and personally threatening,with much anxiety,provoking negative behaviours.With such behaviours rational thought processes are abandoned.


We use the term zero tolerance with all personal and professional interactions.That is we speak up,identify negative behaviours,

And talk about them,often creating insights within the offender in a supportive as much as is possible.Exploring options in behaviour.


There is need for discussion and White Ribbon Day is a focus of such discussion.

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They have started showing adverts on TV here in the UK to try to bring to light the issue of domestic violence of women against men. Statistics don't show the whole picture because men are far less likely to report it to the authorities and there is far more stigma and shame around men who are abused in this way. So I don't know if focusing on one side of the issue is going to help much, it may just polarise things more.

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Well, abuse in any form is tragic, and its victims deserve to know there is hope and caring and some place to go for help. If holidays help people realize that -- women in this case -- then good for them. Women have the built-in hostages of children often which just makes it harder. (On the other hand they also have the built-in hostages of children to hold against the father, too.)


You have to raise people in an environment where people can agree to disagree, where people can argue without violence, where things can go wrong and it's not the end of the world, where there is the baseline assumption that everyone loves each other and no matter what is going on, eventually people are going to get over it and move on and we'll all be here at the dinner table tomorrow night. I think our culture has greatly lost that. 


Even on the internet you see it, that so many people are unable to handle the smallest discord without running for weapons. People can disagree even politely, even by proxy, and someone just loses their hat because not everybody was in agreement. Sometimes it's in attack, sometimes it's in omg-I'm-a-victim-because-you-don't-agree-so-you-abuse-me. I've had some of the most hilarious conversations over the years. Fortunately I have the skin of a rhino. I like to allow that everyone including me has good intent and almost make it a contest to see how incredibly courteous I can be while essentially telling someone they are just so ridiculously wrong. It's sort of an art form if you look at it right.

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